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Tag: holiday

shades of gray…and purple


gray easter eggs

Here comes the egg lady!  I joked around this week that the late night cashier at the grocery store’s ’10 items or less’ aisle must call me that!  It is probably true…I have stopped in late night at the grocery store so often lately – each time for just a carton of white eggs!

easter eggs

I already admitted I have an egg dyeing obsession…but it looks like I am now down to my last batch for the year.  It’s Easter week and, since I’m making all the desserts for Easter dinner, I have no more time to dye eggs!

gray easter egg

Any free time I have this week will now be spent planning and making the Easter desserts!

easter eggs in purple glass

I dyed my last batch of eggs in shades of gray.  I love neutral shades for egg dyeing, but gray dyed eggs are particularly beautiful.  The best way to make gray dye is to simply mix 1/2 cup of room temperature water, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, and some black paste food coloring.

gray easter eggs

Because I put together a vignette with a pretty iridescent purple glass I picked up in the clearance section at Anthropologie, I decided to dye a couple of my last dozen of eggs purple before putting them into the gray dye.

easter eggs

I made various shades of gray eggs by varying the time in the dye.  I also rubbed off some of the color on the eggs so the wouldn’t look “too perfect.”

easter eggs in purple glass

The irregular shading gives them so much character!

purple and gray eggs

So that is it…the last of this year’s egg dyeing! :(  I hope you will try dyeing some gray eggs, if you haven’t already! :)

gray and purple eggs

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with StoneGableSand & Sisal, Coastal Charm

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coastal egg decorating


coastal easter egg designs

Today for Friday field trip, I’m kicking it back to kindergarten.  I’m adapting some old school techniques to egg decorating to create some Easter eggs to use in my coastal décor.

Coastal decor Easter eggs

I am using two easy techniques that you – like me – probably used in grade school, but may not have thought about using in creating your Easter egg designs!

blue ball jar and coastal eggs

It was probably earlier than kindergarten when my siblings and I discovered this first technique. ..purely by accident.  During our egg dyeing sessions, inevitably, the hard boiled eggs we were preparing to dye were constantly being dropped by our young, clumsy hands during our egg dyeing frenzy.

dyed easter eggs and tray

We would soon learn that the many cracks these drops created in the shells would cause the eggs inside to take on the dye.  When it came time to eat the eggs, no one wanted to eat the ones that had been cracked and dyed with the spider web-like effect.  Of course, as we got older, this became a cool effect that we would purposely emulate and enhance – learning by experience (the obvious) that the longer the egg remained in the dye, the more pronounced the design would appear.

beachy easter egg designs

It made me smile this month when I saw a full page in the current Real Simple magazine giving instructions to create this very same effect on an Easter egg.  The instructions said to crack the egg with a spoon…or, (not mentioned in the magazine) drop egg continually on a table while excitedly anticipating the Easter bunny’s arrival!

coastal easter eggs

The second old school technique I use on eggs wasn’t used on eggs at all back in kindergarten.  We used it to create a leaf painting.  Various shaped leaves were placed on a paper and paint, in fall colors, was splattered over the leaves.  When the leaves were removed, their shapes would appear, like magic, against the splattered background.

Coastal decor Easter eggs

The splattering was done with an old toothbrush and a Popsicle stick.  Rubbing the Popsicle stick across a paint filled toothbrush created a beautiful splattered effect.  I used this very same technique to create the eggs shown here – using brown paint on eggs dyed in sea glass colors.

coastal decor easter eggs

What was it that Robert Fulghum said?  “All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten?”

splattered easter eggs

Have a great weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with Common Ground, Shabby Nest, Fridays UnfoldedCraftberry Bush, and Crafts a la Mode.

3 comments » | diy, holiday, nostalgia, style

showing of the green


packaged St. Pat's cookies
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up…how do I celebrate?

I usually plant some shamrocks in an unexpected container…or make some homemade Irish Cream…this year, in addition, I am adding a little green to my baking.

Irish Blessing

I think anything green goes over well on St. Patrick’s Day…what other holiday could possibly make green bagels or green beer seem like a good idea?

This year, I am adding some green swirls to my cookies!  If you haven’t used this technique in your cookie making, it is relatively easy to do – it just requires a little bit of patience.

making swirl cookies
I have used this technique to create ‘wave’ cookies for a beach themed party (by adding blue paste food coloring) or to create mocha swirl cookies (by adding cocoa and espresso powder).  As you can imagine, it is easily adaptable to a number of different themes/flavors…so keep it in mind for future entertaining!

steps in making swirl cookies
Divide your cookie dough in half, dyeing one half with paste food coloring.  In addition, I added some lime juice and lime zest – just so the green color made some sense!  You can use your favorite butter or sugar cookie dough…I have never tried this with the packages of sugar cookie dough that is sold in the refrigerator section of the grocery store, but I bet they would work out just as well.

Just pat each half of (chilled) dough into a rectangle on a piece of wax paper…measure each piece – so they are the same size.  Wrap each piece separately in wax paper and put into the refrigerator until firm.  Invert the plain piece of dough onto a large, clean piece of wax paper and peel off the top layer of wax paper.  Invert the green rectangle of dough on top of the plain dough so that the edges are aligned.  Peel off the top layer of paper.  With floured hands, pat the dough so that the layers adhere.

Working from a longer side, roll the dough into a cylinder.  If the dough becomes too soft to work with, refrigerate briefly, then continue rolling.  Wrap the cylinder in wax paper and refrigerate until firm or overnight.  Slice and bake the cookies as usual.

daisy for St. Patrick's Day

I added some clear sprinkles before baking to give the cookies a little sparkle. :)

I packaged each cookie I was giving to a friend in a CD envelope – tying it with raffia and a fresh daisy and adding the message ‘Erin go Bragh’ – translation is “Ireland Forever.”


Do you have unexpected ways to add green to your St. Patrick’s Day?

Thank you so much for stopping by.

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at Coastal Charm,  Craftberry Bush, and Finding Silver Pennies.

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fireside field trip


white hot chocolate

How was your Christmas?

I want to share a recipe for something I enjoyed in front of the fire on Christmas Day…white hot chocolate!

candy canes for white hot cocoa

A nice change from the usual hot cocoa, white hot chocolate is comforting and delicious!  The key is to use a good quality hot chocolate – like Lindt or Ghirardelli.  I also add peppermint candy – crushing up some candy canes.  White chocolate peppermint…so festive…so yummy!

white hot cocoa

If you enjoy a really rich drink, substitute some of the milk in the recipe with heavy cream.  And, an ‘adult’  version is easy to create by adding some peppermint liquor.

white hot chocolate recipe

This tastes so good in front of the fire on any winter evening…enjoy!

white hot cocoa

Thanks for stopping by.

Remember to find pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at Finding Silver Pennies and Pinch of Joy

2 comments » | food & festivities, holiday, recipe

almost wrapped & ready


woodland theme wrapping

I have really enjoyed embracing nature and the outdoors with my woodland holiday theme this year. 

woodland theme wrapping

I wish I had more time to create, but working most all of my waking hours made it difficult…so many ideas – so little time!

Maybe I should consider using the same theme next year so I can put more of my ideas to use!

woodland theme wrapping

As I wrap my gifts and set my table, the very best part of the holiday is approaching – the time spent enjoying time with family.  I want to spend my Christmas Day truly living in the moment…

Woodland theme Christmas tablesetting

No matter how many gifts I may open this year, none compare to the gift of family…

I thank you all for sharing pleasure in simple things with me and I wish you and your family a most blessed holiday filled with joy.

Peace & love, Jackie

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christmas sweets


Italian Christmas cookies

Only a few days until Christmas and I haven’t even started my baking!

With this year’s work schedule, I haven’t had time for any of my usual holiday preparations.

Friday field trip this week is a kitchen visit as I fit in a little late night baking session to make the top priority holiday cookie.  I am referring to the one most requested by my family – the “Italian” cookie. 

Italian Christmas cookies

My recipe comes from an old Italian woman many years ago.  She was very ‘old world’ so I have always thought this recipe must be very authentic and I have never altered it.

And, I always stay true to the original recipe and use margarine, even though I never use it in any other baking. 

Holiday cookies

I am sharing the recipe with you here.  (I topped mine with white non-pareils.)

Italian cookie recipe

So now I have the favorite cookie baked and ready for Christmas Eve.  If I can’t squeeze in any other holiday baking, at least I have the most important baking done!  I hope you have time to bake some of your favorite holiday sweets!

Are you thinking these cookies aren’t very consistent with my woodland theme this year?  Don’t worry, I got that covered…maple crème brulees, ice cream ‘pinecones’ and fireplace s’mores should fit the bill…don’t you think?

Christmas cookies

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Remember to take pleasure in simple things,  Jackie

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brown bag tree ornaments


paper bag treat ornaments

I enjoy making treat containers using brown paper.

You have seen some of my brown bag creations for holidays in the past.

For Christmas, it is easy to use the same premise to transform brown bags into tree ornaments.

borwn bag tree ornaments

Using holiday bags is a fun and festive way to recycle!  (Click here to see other items you can create from brown bags.)

Many stores imprint their bags with a holiday motif at this time of year – my favorites are the ones from Trader Joes…such fun patterns!  They also happen to tie in well with my woodland theme this year. :)

I simply sew two pieces of brown paper together – stopping to fill them with treats before sealing them completely.

paper bag ornaments

I use a sewing machine, but they can just as easily be sewed by hand.  (Colorful embroidery thread works well.)

If desired, shapes can be created to fit your theme – doves, angels, snowmen,bells, trees, etc. are all possibilities.

paper bag ornament

Try this festive way to repurpose brown bags.  If you prefer not to enclose edible items, batting or cotton balls can be used to ‘stuff’  the ornament.

I hope you are enjoying your holiday preparations…remember to take pleasure in simple things

Thanks so much for stopping by, Jackie

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seasonal spirit


Christmas pin

It seems every year I forget to wear my Christmas pins until the season is almost over.  I really should have a special calendar note reminding me at Thanksgiving to take out my holiday pieces!

holiday wreath pin

I thought I would share a couple of my favorite ‘jewels’ with you on Friday field trip today and it could serve as a reminder for you to be sure and wear your seasonal jewelry…or scarves…or socks.  Or, maybe to acquire some! ;)

Holiday pin

One of my favorite holiday pins…a miniature frame that contains a photo of my daughter dressed as an angel one Halloween long ago.

Wish pin

My first Christmas pin was given to me by my grandmother when I was a young girl.  It was a battery operated Santa pin and if you pulled a string, Santa’s nose would light up red!  I loved it!  One of my favorites in recent years is a hand painted one by artist Roberta Hyatt that says “I Believe.”

vintage woodland pin

This year my favorite is a special pin to coordinate with my woodland theme…it is a vintage piece that is leaves and acorns – so perfect!

Feel free to share your favorite holiday accessories on pleasure in simple things Facebook or Instagram…would love to see them!

Dust off that old stocking cap and take pleasure in the season and simple things!

Thanks so much for stopping by, Jackie

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an anthro home for the holidays


Anthropologie holiday

Do you have favorite places to visit during the holiday season?  Are there a few stores you visit as an annual tradition?  Anthropologie is one of those places for me.

Anthropologie Christmas towel

I always enjoy checking out the unique home items in the store, but I find it especially fun at holiday time.

Anthropologie Christmas

As a tradition, I always purchase a tree ornament as a gift for my daughter…but, I can always find some great stocking stuffers as well…

Anthropologie hair ornaments

Anthropologie Christmas tree candle

If you are an Anthro shopper, you know that the store always provides a fun package tie-on for gifts purchased at the store during the holiday.  This year, there are a couple choices – one is a miniature Russian nesting doll…cute!

Anthro inital ornament

Of course I took special note of some of the woodland themed items!

Anthro bunny plate

Anthro deer pillow

Anthropologie glasses

Anthropologie is always a fun place to visit…I hope you enjoyed sharing a few of my favorite things in the store on this week’s Friday field trip.


You have seen two of my annual store traditions – one last week and one this week…do you have any stores you visit as an annual tradition at the holidays?

Anthro ornaments

Thanks so much for visiting.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

1 comment » | field trips, holiday

diy advent calendar


diy advent calendar

This year, I am using jars for my Advent calendar.  I think my creation ties in well with my woodland holiday theme and jars are great for stashing surprises.

I started collecting baby food jars about a month ago.  Some of my coworkers thought it strange when I offered them baby food at lunch break, but geez…who wouldn’t want free organic fruits and vegetables as part of their lunch!  (Granted, they were in pureed form!)

diy advent calendar

After eating all the baby food and cleaning all the jars, I spray painted the outside of the jars with a cream colored spray paint.  I didn’t want any paint inside the jars since I planned on putting edible items inside them…I didn’t want to risk chipped paint in my woodland treats!

diy advent calendar

Paint will chip off glass, though this was not a big concern for me since my calendar was planned for a one-time use.  A clear coat can be applied if a more durable finish is desired.  I sprayed the tops in forest green and created labels by cutting shapes from chalkboard Contact paper.

As a decorative touch, I added some bells around the rims – also a great security device to discourage any premature jar openings!

diy advent calendar

What am I putting in the jars?  Some examples include spiced nuts; maple sugar candy leaves; candy rocks; marzipan mushrooms and acorns; and gummy bears, worms, snakes, frogs, and spiders.

diy advent calendar

The fun part is arranging the jars on the mantle among forest inspired items.

This is a great project that can be easily adapted to any theme and can be arranged creatively in any nook, shelf, or corner – stack them up or spread them around.

diy advent calendar

If you plan on making one of your own, I highly recommend buying plenty of banana mango baby food…it was my favorite. ;)

Thanks so much for stopping by, Jackie

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