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shades of gray…and purple

April 15, 2014

gray easter eggs

Here comes the egg lady!  I joked around this week that the late night cashier at the grocery store’s ’10 items or less’ aisle must call me that!  It is probably true…I have stopped in late night at the grocery store so often lately – each time for just a carton of white eggs!

easter eggs

I already admitted I have an egg dyeing obsession…but it looks like I am now down to my last batch for the year.  It’s Easter week and, since I’m making all the desserts for Easter dinner, I have no more time to dye eggs!

gray easter egg

Any free time I have this week will now be spent planning and making the Easter desserts!

easter eggs in purple glass

I dyed my last batch of eggs in shades of gray.  I love neutral shades for egg dyeing, but gray dyed eggs are particularly beautiful.  The best way to make gray dye is to simply mix 1/2 cup of room temperature water, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, and some black paste food coloring.

gray easter eggs

Because I put together a vignette with a pretty iridescent purple glass I picked up in the clearance section at Anthropologie, I decided to dye a couple of my last dozen of eggs purple before putting them into the gray dye.

easter eggs

I made various shades of gray eggs by varying the time in the dye.  I also rubbed off some of the color on the eggs so the wouldn’t look “too perfect.”

easter eggs in purple glass

The irregular shading gives them so much character!

purple and gray eggs

So that is it…the last of this year’s egg dyeing! :(  I hope you will try dyeing some gray eggs, if you haven’t already! :)

gray and purple eggs

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with StoneGableSand & Sisal, Coastal Charm

Category: food & festivities, holiday, inspiration | Tags: , |

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