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Tag: art

a flirty restaurant


For me, this may be the summer of visiting restaurants with beautiful wall paintings!  In my last post I showed you some beauties in Connecticut and today I want to share some I found in Massachusetts.

wall painting coquette

I found these paintings on a recent trip to Boston, when I had dinner at a wonderful restaurant called Coquette at the Seaport in the Omni Hotel.  The food was fabulous and the aesthetics were just as great.

menu at coquette

Right in line with the restaurant name (translating as flirt), the vibe was definitely flirty!  My favorite part of the décor though were the paintings on the wall.

How pretty are these walls?

corner painting coquette

And, I had a major crush on these light fixtures!

light fixture coquette

Some other favorite décor details:

The chandelier in the main dining room, some of the large-scale paintings that truly added to the feel of the place, the ceiling above the bar, the toile wallpaper in the restroom, and the seahorse doorknobs!coquette details

mood at coquette

If you should ever be at or near the Omni – even if you don’t eat at Coquette (which I highly recommend) – I would peek inside and check out the décor!

artwork at coquette

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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head in the clouds


finished cloud print

We all have certain motifs that appeal to us.  One of mine is clouds.

I would so love to plan a baby’s room or a baby shower around a cloud theme.  (I have collected a whole folder of items I would use!)  Or, decorate a bathroom in a cloud motif.  How cool would it be to design a room around one of these wallpapers!

spoonflower cloud wallpaper

Cloud wallpaper found on Spoonflower.

cloud wallpaper

Cole & Son Nuvolette Gilver & Charcoal Wallpaper.

When I saw this piece of art from Anthropologie, something about the black background of the art with the contrast of the gold frame really appealed to me.

cloud painting

I started thinking maybe I should paint some clouds!

More recently I saw this Anthro piece

anthro cloud painting

Lovely, but way out of my price range!

Then, one day in Target, I found a gold frame for $8. that I really loved and decided I would put my own cloud piece together.

finished cloud print

What do you think?  I find it so inspirational.

If you want your own original cloud art piece and can’t afford the Anthro prices, put one together yourself!  Get a Target or HomeGoods frame that you really love and a piece of original art from Etsy and put it together for not much more than $50. (depending on the size you choose).

What can you find on Etsy?  Here is an example of a piece of original cloud art by delizabethstudios on Etsy.

delizabeth cloud painting

An original art piece by delizabethstudios on Etsy.

Isn’t it beautiful?

I hope I have inspired you to create a piece for your wall!  If not a painting of clouds, whatever motif makes you happy!


Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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valentine’s day 2020



This is the first Valentine’s Day in decades (wow…that sounds crazy!) that I have been single.  As you can probably tell by the way I started this post, I decided to focus on myself this year.  I decided to make Valentine’s Day all about falling in love with taking care of myself and to avoid all the hype of the day that is going on around me.  So far, it is working out pretty well!

hearts on the high line

As a gift to you, I would like to share some sightings that seem appropriate for the day from a recent stroll down the High Line in NYC with one of my favorite galentines.  Enjoy…


high line art


art on the high line

Enjoy your weekend!  Be good to yourself.

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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flowers inspired by paintings


flowers inspired by a blacksmith painting

Art and the New England Farm is a currently on display at The Florence Griswold Museum, showcasing works by artists from the 19th to 21st century.  I choose to visit the exhibit on a special weekend – one that also included Blooms with a View. 

flowers inspired by blossoming trees painting

flower arrangement inspired by a paintingI was so very intrigued by the display of flower arrangements created from inspiration garnered from the Art and the New England Farm collection, I needed to share some of the works on today’s Friday field trip.

flowers inspired by a painting

flowers inspired by a tractor painting

Each floral designer creating an arrangement, chose a painting from the collection to serve as an inspiration for their creation.  What a cool art form!  Maybe suggest it as an interesting activity for your garden club or even as a fundraising project!

flowers inspired by animal painting

flowers inspired by cow paintingI hope you are inspired as much as I was by this interesting exhibit that utilized flowers in a special way.

flowers inspired by a henhouse painting

flowers inspired by strawberries in a basket

Note:  The Florence Griswold Museum is an art museum which was the center of the Old Lyme Art Colony, centered on the home of Florence Griswold and the main center of development of American Impressionism.  Easily accessible by I95, the museum is situated along the picturesque Lieutenant River in Old Lyme, Connecticut.  The current exhibit Art and the New England Farm is on display through September 16th.

flower arranging inspired by paintingHave a fabulous weekend.  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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summer sculpture showcase


sculpture garden decor pleasure in simple things blog

Today we are visiting a sculpture garden in the historic district of Old Lyme, Connecticut. Sculptures placed over the 4.5 acres of property of artist Gilbert Boro make up the Summer Sculpture Showcase available for viewing by the public.

flowers in sculpture garden pleasure in simple things

namaste sculpture pleasure in simple things blogOver 90 large-scale, abstract sculptural works, inspired by nature and created by a number of artists – including Boro – make up the showcase, located adjacent to the Lyme Academy of Fine Art.

sculpture garden Old Lyme pleasure in simple things blog

2 parts of spoon like sculpture pleasure in simple things blogI was lucky enough to meet Boro, his private residence located amid the landscaped garden, on the afternoon I took a leisurely stroll through the exhibit. Speaking with him, it was clear art was his passion.

orange sculpture pleasure in simple things blog

sculpture garden pleasure in simple things blogThere is certainly something for everyone in the garden –an interesting assortment of sculpture created in a number of different styles and materials.

hand sculpture pleasure in simple things blog

head sculpture pleasure in simple things blog

Easily accessible off Exit 70 of Interstate 95, the Showcase is a great summer stop. It is open to the public without charge from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, through September 13th.

two part sculpture pleasure in simple things blog

I hope you enjoyed today’s Friday field trip.

sculpture garden entrance pleasure in simple things blog

Have a wonderful holiday weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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to each his house


It Takes A Village

I recently happened upon a really great project called “It Takes a Village”  inspired by artist and illustrator Denise Benett Minnerly and I want to share it with you for today’s Friday field trip… 

It Takes a Village

Art installation

Ms. Minnerly created a collective project that consists of many hand crafted houses made out of clay.  So cool. 


It takes a Village

Terrain displayed an installation of this project in their Westport store.

it takes a village

The idea is to have these houses furnish the floor of an art gallery.  The houses are used as metaphors to illuminate each individual’s identity.

denise minnerlyl

Participants were given a ball of clay and guidelines on creating a house.

It takes a village

Their imaginations were only limited by the size of their ball of clay and a few basic guidelines.

it takes a village denise minnerly

denise minnerly art installation

Isn’t it a great project?  I can think of ways to adapt the idea to a Thanksgiving Day activity!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

To read more about “It Takes a Village”, visit

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