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head in the clouds

April 9, 2021

finished cloud print

We all have certain motifs that appeal to us.  One of mine is clouds.

I would so love to plan a baby’s room or a baby shower around a cloud theme.  (I have collected a whole folder of items I would use!)  Or, decorate a bathroom in a cloud motif.  How cool would it be to design a room around one of these wallpapers!

spoonflower cloud wallpaper

Cloud wallpaper found on Spoonflower.

cloud wallpaper

Cole & Son Nuvolette Gilver & Charcoal Wallpaper.

When I saw this piece of art from Anthropologie, something about the black background of the art with the contrast of the gold frame really appealed to me.

cloud painting

I started thinking maybe I should paint some clouds!

More recently I saw this Anthro piece

anthro cloud painting

Lovely, but way out of my price range!

Then, one day in Target, I found a gold frame for $8. that I really loved and decided I would put my own cloud piece together.

finished cloud print

What do you think?  I find it so inspirational.

If you want your own original cloud art piece and can’t afford the Anthro prices, put one together yourself!  Get a Target or HomeGoods frame that you really love and a piece of original art from Etsy and put it together for not much more than $50. (depending on the size you choose).

What can you find on Etsy?  Here is an example of a piece of original cloud art by delizabethstudios on Etsy.

delizabeth cloud painting

An original art piece by delizabethstudios on Etsy.

Isn’t it beautiful?

I hope I have inspired you to create a piece for your wall!  If not a painting of clouds, whatever motif makes you happy!


Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: diy, inspiration, style | Tags: , , |

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