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bird feeder diy valentine gift

January 17, 2017

making diy bird feeders pleasure in simple things blog

A bird feeder is a great gift you can make yourself.  Who doesn’t enjoy watching a free nature show from their window?

Hanging bird feeders made from bird seed are really simple and inexpensive to make.  A simple DIY, the bird seed is held together with clear gelatin and hangs from a tree branch with a piece of twine.

diy bird feeders pleasure in simple things blog heart

As a Valentine, a feeder can be packaged up really cute with a corny Valentine saying!  I love  “Valentine, you are so very tweet!”  So appropriate for a bird themed gift!  And, a small bird from a craft store is the perfect addition to the wrapping!

Choose an appropriate shaped cookie cutter to use as a mold.  I chose a heart to go along with a Valentine theme, but also chose a state-shaped mold to make a ‘state pride’ feeder to gift to an out-of-state relative.  Cookie cutters are available in virtually any shape so, have fun with it!

diy state pride bird feeders pleasure in simple things blog

Supplies Needed:

  • 2/3 cup water
  • 2 envelopes unflavored Knox gelatin
  • 2 cups bird seed
  • Large baking sheet
  • Parchment or wax paper
  • Cookie cutters
  • Cooking spray
  • Drinking straw
  • Twine

Place a piece of parchment or wax paper on a flat baking sheet.  Set out desired cookie cutters onto the sheet.  Use cooking spray to spray the surface/cutters.  Cut the straw into 2” pieces and set aside.

a collage diy bird feeders valentines gifts
Heat 2/3 cup water in a medium saucepan; removing from the heat just before it starts to boil.  Sprinkle the contents of 2 envelopes (4 come in a package) of Knox unflavored gelatin on top of the water and let dissolve, stirring as necessary.  After the gelatin is fully incorporated, let the mixture stand 5 minutes – enough to cool down, but not enough to completely set.  Stir in 2 cups of bird seed, mixing thoroughly.  I used the seed for small birds – small seed pieces best stick together.

Place the bird seed mixture into the cutter molds; pressing firmly in place.  Insert a piece of straw into each piece to create a hole for hanging.

Place the sheet in fridge to set.  After an hour or two, remove each feeder from its cookie cutter and lay flat to dry overnight.

Remove straw pieces and let dry a couple days before adding twine to each feeder for hanging.

diy CT state bird feeders pleasure in simple things blog

Package as desired.  Makes approximately 2-4 feeders, depending on the size of the cookie cutters.  (For example, one batch could fill one 5” cookie cutter, one 4” cookie cutter and one 3” inch cookie cutter.)

gifting diy bird feeders pleasure in simple things blog
Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you are inspired to make and gift a bird seed feeder for Valentine’s Day!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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word for the year 2017

January 13, 2017

treasure 2017 word for the year pleasure in simple things blog

I don’t typically choose a word for the year – I’ve only done so once before.  But, since this year is a very special year, I felt compelled to choose one.

What is so special about 2017?  We are adding a member to our family!  My daughter is marrying the love of her life; expanding our family by one.

Of course, the feeling is bittersweet…my baby is moving on and I will not be with her every day.  But, it is comforting to know she will be taken care of by a wonderful guy and, I am extremely lucky she has chosen to live nearby.

treasure definition word of the year pleasure in simple things blog

At first I thought I might use the word family for my word of the year.  But, after spending some time thinking about it, I decided the perfect word to be treasure.  As a verb, treasure is “to regard or treat as precious; cherish.”  That’s my word.  And, with synonyms like value and esteem…this word is perfect!

I know 2017 will be a fabulously fun, exciting, and emotion-filled year! xo  I look forward to sharing it with you! :)

treasure is my word for 2017 pleasure in simple things blog

Did you pick a word for the year? I hope today’s Friday field trip has inspired you to think about your year ahead and, if it feels right, to choose a word for the year.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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snow much fun!

January 10, 2017

snow treats pleasure in simple things

With this past weekend’s first big snow, I was taken back to thoughts of my childhood snow treats!  Growing up in the Northeast, snow has always been plentiful in the winters and, aside from using it for throwing, riding on, and building with, we also used it as an edible treat!

Eating snow off a mitten was a childhood rite of passage, but as you got a little older and a little more sophisticated, maple syrup or Zarex (a sweetened liquid fruit syrup that was added to water to make a flavored drink) was poured onto a fluffy mound of the white stuff in a bowl to create a sweet treat!

These memories prompted me to go outside and create some sweet treats using snow!  Of course, make these treats only on the coldest of days!

Now that I am doing my best to avoid white sugar completely, my sweeteners of choice are honey and maple syrup.  So, I used these two sweeteners to create my treats!

maple snow candy pleasure in simple things blog

snow candy maple in snow pleasure in simple things blogFirst, a maple ‘taffy.’  I think in the U.S. this practice was adopted from a common one in Canada.  You simply boil up some maple syrup (boil it until it gets to the soft ball stage), pour it into a line in the snow, and collect it by rolling it onto a stick for a sweet pop-type maple treat!

I should mention that I only use 100% maple syrup in my house and that is the only thing I recommend you use with snow.  The corn syrup variety of ‘syrup’ sold in the grocery store for pancakes definitely does not qualify as maple syrup!

The second treat uses honey as a sweetener.  After mixing some vanilla extract into honey and pouring it into the snow, form little frozen balls with a spoon.  Yum!  You can vary the extract or flavor of honey to change up the flavor profile.

honey in the snow pleasure in simple things blog

I hope these two sweet treats have inspired you to create your own ‘snow much fun’ treats!  If you want to be ambitious, any homemade simple syrup can be used to create snow cones using snow…the flavor possibilities are endless!   I am thinking of trying a honey lavender!  Or, with Valentine’s Day approaching, maybe something using rosewater would be intriguing!

snow treats pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things…like eating some freshly fallen snow!  xo Jackie

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caring for a fiddle-leaf fig

January 6, 2017

Terrain in CT pleasure in simple thing

This week I welcomed a new addition to my household – though not actually a person, this new addition IS a living thing.  I got a new Ficus Lyrata.  Or, as it is commonly referred to, a fiddle-leaf fig.

For quite some time I have wanted to replace a plant that, until recently (RIP), had resided in a corner of my dining room for decades.   I used a Christmas gift certificate to my favorite home and garden store to acquire a replacement plant.  Because of the popularity of fiddle-leaf figs, particularly with decorators, shipments don’t last long at Terrain.  But because I visit the store often, I was able to catch a new shipment arriving.

fiddle-leaf fig plesaure in simple things blog

I spent a bit of time sizing up the contenders at Terrain.  After looking through them all, I found one I connected with…does that sound crazy?  So, with the help of one of my favorite (as well as lovely, knowledgeable and helpful)  Terrain associates, I reviewed the care required for my new household addition.  Knowing that too much love (aka over watering) was the number one reason for fatalities in this variety of plant, I took the suggestion to purchase a water meter.  It is a handy item to own and I do have the tendency to over love my houseplants!

a shipment of fiddle-leaf figs at Terrain

purchasing a fiddle-leaf fig at Terrain

Getting some help picking out a fiddle-leaf fig from one of my favorite Terrain associates in the Westport, CT store.

So, I brought my new addition home and, with his (I have no idea why I immediately decided its gender) large beautiful leaves, this bold plant is the perfect one for the bright corner in my dining room!

my new fiddle-leaf fig pleasure in simple things blog

My new fiddle-leaf fig in his new home!

I know many of you own one of these plants or would like to own one, so I am sharing tips for success, courtesy of Terrain, on today’s Friday field trip.

leaves of a fiddle-leaf fig pleasure in simple things blog

Light:  Fiddle-leaf figs prefer abundant, indirect light.  Too little light will cause the plant to lose leaves and thin out.  They also tend to grow towards the light, which can create a leaning shape.  Rotate the plant regularly to keep it growing straight and full.

Temperature:  Grow best in humid conditions with temperature consistently above 65 degrees.  It is best to place your fig outdoors in summer when the weather is hot and humid.  When the plant is indoors, place in an area with a consistent temperature and free from drafts.

moisture meter for plants pleasure in simple things blogWatering:  The fiddle-leaf fig thrives with short, dry periods between waterings.  Generally, water every 14 days – adjust depending on the amount of light your plant receives.  Water thoroughly, but be sure that the soil and pot can drain completely.  Do not allow the plant to sit in water, or it may suffer from leaf drop and root rot.


Tips:  Dust the leaves periodically to assure that the plant can absorb as much light as possible.  Use a soft, dry cloth to gently remove any dust buildup.  Do not dust with your hands, as rubbing the leaves can damage them and cause drops of white, milky sap to appear.

Hope this is helpful to fiddle-leaf fig owners or future owners!

my dining room fern pleasure in simple things blog

The only other houseplant in my dining room – this cute little fern.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a wonderful weekend, Jackie

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a sundae for the new year

January 3, 2017

Chocolate shell on whipped bananas pleasure in simple things blog

Don’t you love the magic shell you can find in the grocery store in with all the ice cream sauces; near the ice cream cones?  It seems like a wonderful invention – until you take the time to read the ingredients!  Apparently, the way the ‘magic’ is created is with a bunch of preservatives!  Yuck!

Since I pretty much gave up processed foods, I wouldn’t consider eating something like magic shell – knowing it has so many artificial ingredients.  So, I am really excited about the easy recipe I found for a magic chocolate shell – using no processed ingredients!

chocolate shell starting to harden pleasure in simple things blog

You can see the chocolate shell starting to set – it takes only about 30 seconds!

The recipe is from a book called 100 Days of Real Food: Fast & Fabulous: The Easy and Delicious Way to Cut Out Processed Food by Lisa Leake.

This simple recipe is perfect as a first post for the new year because, although combined with Ms. Leake’s ‘ice cream’ suggestion it seems very decadent, it fits right in with most any healthful eating resolution!

Homemade Magic Chocolate Shell

Melt 2 Tablespoons coconut oil until just melted (a few seconds), in the microwave.  Add 2 Tablespoons honey and 4 teaspoons cocoa powder (I used ‘special dark’ 100% cacao).  Whisk until well combined.

Pour over cold ice cream – after about 30 seconds, it will turn into a hard shell!

valentine sundae pleasure in simple things blog

Chocolate shell over whipped banana ‘ice cream’ is the perfect guilt-free Valentine’s Day treat!

If sauce should harden in the bowl before using, simply microwave to melt.  Store leftovers for up to 1 week in fridge and use microwave to melt as needed.

finished whipped bananas pleasure in simple things blogI enjoy my chocolate shell over Ms. Leake’s super easy-to-make alternative to traditional ice cream – frozen whipped bananas!  To make your own, simply cut 4 to 5 peeled bananas into 3 or 4 pieces each and freeze.  In a blender, combine the frozen bananas with ¼ cup milk (I use unsweetened almond milk and sometimes add a little organic peanut butter!)  Blend and keep adding small amounts of milk until the consistency resembles ice cream.


making banana ice cream pleasure in simple things blog

(Note:  I sometimes need to soften the frozen bananas up slightly in the microwave before blending if they are too rock solid – my blender can’t handle it!)

Banana ‘ice cream’ and homemade magic chocolate shell make for a guilt-free treat!  Enjoy!Thank you for stopping by!  Happy, happy 2017 – wishing you the very best year yet!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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january book giveaway!

December 30, 2016

smoothies pleasure in simple things blog

My go-to eating strategy after the holidays is always to have a day or two of consuming strictly juices and/or smoothies.  This strategy always works to get me right back on the healthy eating track!

With this in mind, I decided to feature The Blender Girl Smoothies by Tess Masters as the January giveaway book selection.

This book is a wonderful collection of 100 recipes for (vegan) smoothies designed to fit every need and taste!  Each recipe features a beautiful photograph with suggestions for 3 optimal flavor boosters and nutritional add-ons.

smoothie book giveaway pleasure in simple things blog

The Blender Girl Smoothies is a fabulous resource whenever you need to try a new flavor or healthful ingredient combination smoothie!

Even if you don’t use my post-holiday eating strategy, a delicious and healthful smoothie is a go-to in any eating plan!  Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win this great title!  A winner will be chosen at random at the end of January.

Congratulations to  Betsy, winner of last month’s giveaway – a 2017 calendar by Anna Rifle!  I know you will enjoy this lovely calendar!  (For more on the calendar, click here.)

Instagram users, please read on!  In the spirit of this month’s giveaway, let’s share our smoothies!  I would love to see your favorite flavor combinations!  Use #pleasuregram to share photos of your creations!

Instagram challenge jan 2017

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Have a safe weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie


to all a good night

December 27, 2016

christmas 2016 pleasure in simple things blog

As this post goes up on the blog, I will be busy cleaning up from my Christmas celebration.  My official Christmas was postponed a little bit this year since work commitments prevented the entire family from getting together on the 25th.

In fact, since my daughter worked both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, she requested a turkey dinner with cranberry sauce for our official family dinner last night…and, that fresh turkey cooked up perfectly!

I hope you are all enjoying your family as much as I am this holiday season.

I look forward to sharing more inspirations for a creative life as we begin a new year!

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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a homage to christmas vacation

December 23, 2016

a Griswold family Christmas pleasure in simple things blog

Fans of the movie Christmas Vacation are in for a treat today!  I am taking you to a Connecticut Wally World – well, actually a ‘Wallingford World’ where the owner of a Wallingford, Connecticut farm has used his Christmas decorations to pay homage to the classic holiday movie starring Chevy Chase!

a christmas vacation chair pleasure in simple things blog

So, for something completely different, on today’s Friday field trip, I am sharing some of these elaborate Christmas Vacation decorations…definitely put together with a good sense of humor!  Enjoy!

a clark with lights pleasure in simple things bloga christmas vacation details

a crapper was full pleasure in simple things blog

This quote was revised after some neighborhood complaints!

a saucer record Christmas vacation

a bingo Christmas Vacation pleasure in simple things blog

a jello mold Christmas Vacation pleasure in simple things blog

a squirrel Christmas Vacation pleasure in simple things blog

a you couldn't hear Christmas Vacation pleasure in simple things blog

a jelly of the month Christmas Vacation pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks for stopping by!  

Have a blessed holiday weekend and, especially during this holiday season, remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie xo

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my favorite christmas gift

December 20, 2016

Christmas living room pleasure in simple things blog

I have a pretty good memory.  Some of my childhood friends can’t believe the details I can remember from ‘the good old days.’

Recently, I was talking to friends about what I remembered as the favorite Christmas gifts my children received from Santa.  Later that day, I started wondering about which Christmas gifts I liked the best when I was young.  I spent the good part of a day thinking about it.  And, for the rest of that week, every time I had a few spare minutes, I went back to thinking about Christmases past.

poinsetta pleasure in simple things blog

There is a lot I could remember.  I remember feeling the warmth from the fireplace at my grandparent’s house.   And, I remember the lit up Santa that hung over their fireplace; the pine smell in that room.  I remember watching the nutcracker on television.  I remember my grandmother’s china pattern.  I remember that one Mickey Mouse ornament that everyone wanted to hang on the tree.  I remember the year our dog knocked over our tree when she jumped up to eat the foil wrapped chocolate ornaments and I remember one year leaving my dad a letter I wrote as Santa…I remember a lot of smiles…a lot of laughing and goofing around…I remember Christmas music.

christmas lantern pleasure in simple things blog

But, you know what?  I cannot, for the life of me, remember one single gift I received in all the years I lived in my parent’s house!  Not one.

christmas dishes pleasure in simple things blog

Enjoy the holiday spirit around you! :)

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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bird in a jar holiday decor

December 16, 2016

pleasure in simple things ornament diy

I have a fun and easy holiday décor DIY!

On today’s Friday field trip, I am demonstrating ‘a bird in a jar!’  Remember the year I put everything in jars for my holiday décor?  Gingerbread cookies as well as holiday ornaments were on display in jars of snow a few years back.  This is a little bit different from that display.

I have highlighted a single ornament in a pretty jar of snow.  I happened to choose a bird ornament, but you can easily change it up to your own theme.  I grouped three similar jars to create a display in my downstairs bathroom for the holidays.

diy bird in bottle pleasure in simple things

Only one ornament is needed for each jar; so it is an economical display as well as a pretty one!  The idea started from a beautiful little blue glass bird ornament I purchased new this year.  I wanted to showcase this beauty!  I looked through my ornaments and picked out two other bird ornaments – one was on a clip.

pleasure in simple things bird diy

I used one bird per jar and grouped the three jars on a bathroom shelf.  I am sorry the photos did not come out very well, but it is near impossible to get a good photo of a glass jar!  And even harder to get a good photo of one in a bathroom with no windows!  So I took the jars into another room to photograph.  I hope you get the idea of how you can create a grouping in a similar way.

The pretty blue bird is suspended with a little piece of clear packing tape to the top of the jar.  A second, sliver bird, sits in a pile of snow in another jar.  I clipped the third bird onto a sparkly piece of a branch – cutting the branch to the exact width of the third jar so it would fit snugly inside!   The three ‘bird in a jar’ creations make up an adorable holiday display!

christmas ornament bird pleasure in simple things

I hope I have inspired you to create your own ornament display in jars!

birds in the bathroom pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie


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