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word for the year 2017

January 13, 2017

treasure 2017 word for the year pleasure in simple things blog

I don’t typically choose a word for the year – I’ve only done so once before.  But, since this year is a very special year, I felt compelled to choose one.

What is so special about 2017?  We are adding a member to our family!  My daughter is marrying the love of her life; expanding our family by one.

Of course, the feeling is bittersweet…my baby is moving on and I will not be with her every day.  But, it is comforting to know she will be taken care of by a wonderful guy and, I am extremely lucky she has chosen to live nearby.

treasure definition word of the year pleasure in simple things blog

At first I thought I might use the word family for my word of the year.  But, after spending some time thinking about it, I decided the perfect word to be treasure.  As a verb, treasure is “to regard or treat as precious; cherish.”  That’s my word.  And, with synonyms like value and esteem…this word is perfect!

I know 2017 will be a fabulously fun, exciting, and emotion-filled year! xo  I look forward to sharing it with you! :)

treasure is my word for 2017 pleasure in simple things blog

Did you pick a word for the year? I hope today’s Friday field trip has inspired you to think about your year ahead and, if it feels right, to choose a word for the year.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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