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apple pie fudge

September 24, 2019

make fudge apple pie flavor

Recently, while in Mystic, CT, I bought some ‘flavor of the day’ fudge which happened to be the flavor of apple pie.   “Interesting.”  I thought.  I figured fudge is like cheesecake.  You start with a basic recipe and then alter it according to taste.  I can honestly say I never thought of making apple pie fudge, but it sure sounded very seasonal.  It tasted seasonal as well – very much like an apple pie!

About a week after I had tasted the apple pie fudge, I decided to try making some myself.  I knew mine would taste just as good based on seasoning alone.  I only use Penzy’s brand seasonings because no other brand is as flavorful!  (So, if you decide to make my recipe and you don’t use Penzy’s, you may have to adjust the seasoning!)

So, I looked at as many fudge recipes as I could and adjusted by adding apple pie spices and some apples.  I decided fresh apples would be too hard so opted for the apples from canned apple pie filling.

apple pie fudge recipe

I was planning on making a gingersnap base, but without any artificial color, the fudge was very light in color and that made me decide to put the gingersnaps on top instead to add a little variety in color.

I think my apple pie fudge came out better than the inspiration fudge!  Try it yourself or be inspired to come up with your own flavor!

Apple Pie Fudge

  • 3 cups sugar
  • ¾ cup unsalted butter
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp allspice
  • ½ cup canned apple pie filling
  • 3 cups white chocolate – chips or broken into small pieces
  • 18 gingersnap cookies, crushed into small pieces with a rolling pin

Line an 8×8 baking dish with parchment paper and set aside.

Measure out ½ cup of apple pie filling.  Cut the apples into small pieces and remove most of the ‘liquid.’  Put into a heatproof bowl with the chocolate and set aside.

Heat butter, cream, sugar and spices in a large pan over medium heat while stirring often.

Bring mixture to a rolling boil and continue to cook, while stirring constantly, for 4 minutes.

Remove from heat and pour immediately over chocolate chips and apple pieces.  Stir until chocolate is melted.

Pour into the baking dish and spread evenly.  Sprinkle the gingersnap pieces over the top and press down lightly to set into mixture.

home made apple fudge

Refrigerate overnight.  Cut into small pieces to serve.  Tastes best when eaten at room temperature.  Store with a lid in fridge.

Thanks for stopping by.  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: diy, food & festivities, recipe | Tags: , , , |

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