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my favorite christmas gift

December 20, 2016

Christmas living room pleasure in simple things blog

I have a pretty good memory.  Some of my childhood friends can’t believe the details I can remember from ‘the good old days.’

Recently, I was talking to friends about what I remembered as the favorite Christmas gifts my children received from Santa.  Later that day, I started wondering about which Christmas gifts I liked the best when I was young.  I spent the good part of a day thinking about it.  And, for the rest of that week, every time I had a few spare minutes, I went back to thinking about Christmases past.

poinsetta pleasure in simple things blog

There is a lot I could remember.  I remember feeling the warmth from the fireplace at my grandparent’s house.   And, I remember the lit up Santa that hung over their fireplace; the pine smell in that room.  I remember watching the nutcracker on television.  I remember my grandmother’s china pattern.  I remember that one Mickey Mouse ornament that everyone wanted to hang on the tree.  I remember the year our dog knocked over our tree when she jumped up to eat the foil wrapped chocolate ornaments and I remember one year leaving my dad a letter I wrote as Santa…I remember a lot of smiles…a lot of laughing and goofing around…I remember Christmas music.

christmas lantern pleasure in simple things blog

But, you know what?  I cannot, for the life of me, remember one single gift I received in all the years I lived in my parent’s house!  Not one.

christmas dishes pleasure in simple things blog

Enjoy the holiday spirit around you! :)

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: food & festivities, holiday, inspiration | Tags: , , |

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