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a purple pop of flowers

May 15, 2020

purple pansies

We just had some snow here in Connecticut – not typical weather for May.  The cold snaps have made all the flower gardeners hesitant to get started with putting out annuals this year.

I usually use Mother’s Day as my ‘safe to plant’ indicator, but I know some of the experts say not to plant until after the new moon.

entrance purple flowers

With all the hesitation to get plants in the ground, it was so refreshing to see my friend Phyllis has started working on her garden décor.  The plantings she had put around her side entrance really look fabulous.  She changes things up each season and for spring she has incorporated a splash of purple into her creations.

porch topiary

purple with pussywillows

I hope seeing these flowers make you smile as much as I did when I saw them!

Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend!


Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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