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topiary painted easter eggs

March 19, 2021

handpainted topiary egg series

Yes, I was struggling for an Easter egg theme this year.  They usually come so easily for me.  But that wasn’t the case this year, until… I was up all night recently, working on a research project, and it just came to me!  Probably because I have been thinking so much lately about how I will continue enhancing my ‘virgin’ garden this spring.

drawing topiary on egg

two topiary painted eggs

So, in the wee hours of the morning, I grabbed a marker and an egg and drew a topiary.  After I had one done, I just kept going!

series of topiary painted eggs

The next day, I added some green, gold, and brown paint accents as a final touch.

Viola!  My topiary Easter egg series for 2021!

group handpainted topiary eggs

Because I always make my designs on hollowed out eggs, I keep them indefinitely.  This series is sure to be on display again in the future!

Thanks for stopping by!

I hope you are inspired to decorate some eggs in a new way!

a series of topiary easter eggs

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: diy, garden, holiday | Tags: , , |

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