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target flower diy

January 8, 2021

Who couldn’t use a little bit of spring about now?  I thought a touch of flowers would be the perfect addition to my newly renovated bathroom (yes, new bathroom post to come soon) to evoke a sense of spring and I set out to find some artificial ones.  (I would much prefer real flowers on a regular basis, but unfortunately, I don’t have the budget for that and there will be no garden flowers till spring!)

Of course, if you know me, it is no surprise that I wanted white flowers!  Any of the white artificial flowers I found at the craft stores that look at all realistic were way too expense!  And, when I checked to see what was available at the Dollar Store, I did not see any varieties of flowers I liked at all.

Target flower upgrade easy diyThen, unexpectedly, to my surprise on a regular trip to Target, I found artificial flowers in the low-price bins at the front of the store!  The white ranunculus was perfect for what I wanted and I certainly couldn’t beat the price!

I changed them only in one slight way.  The flowers looked way too “one color” for me to look real.  They needed subtle variations of white to look true to nature.  So, all I did was to use a little spray paint and spray some of the edges of the petals.  I used a plastic bag taped around the stems and leaves to protect them from the spray paint.  Perfect!  Some subtle color variations!  I also got rid of a lot of the leaves since I don’t include many leaves when I put fresh ranunculus into a vase.That’s it!  That little upgrade made my great find perfect!

If you are at Target and want some artificial flowers, you can also check the ones in the Magnolia line – they are priced almost as good.  Not all the varieties look realistic, but I think the cosmos look really good!  (I put up photos of the two varieties I thought looked great on my Instagram stories today.)

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: diy, garden, inspiration | Tags: , |

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