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Tag: wishes

pick a wish



With all the craziness going on in my life during 2018, I didn’t design an Advent calendar as I usually do each year to kick off the holiday season.

So, this year, rather than inspire you with one of my creations, I want to show you something wonderfully inspiring I saw at one of my favorite gift shops.

wish quotes

It is not exactly an Advent calendar, but I am inspired to create an Advent calendar using the idea from this beautiful ‘grab a wish’ display at Taken for Granite in Stonycreek, Connecticut.  What a beautifully executed way for the shop to give each of their customers an individual holiday wish!

close up wish quotes

Each pocket contains a written sentiment with a clear star ornament attached.  The wish I chose was absolutely perfect for me!  It read:  Have the courage to step off the ledge so you may realize you’ve had wings all along.

pocket with a wish

I hope this inspires you, as it does me, to create something similar.

Thanks for stopping by!


Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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