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Tag: texas

the woman behind the man



A recent work trip to Texas gave me the opportunity to visit the LBJ Presidential Library and Museum in Austin.

I had never before been to a presidential library and always thought of them as archives and not necessarily something I wanted to visit.  I found out in Texas that I was wrong on that thought.  The LBJ library was not just archives – though there was plenty of that, all stored neatly and expansively in red covered boxes.


In addition to the traditional archives, the building is a storehouse of memorabilia and artifacts, interactive displays, replicas, and presidential telephone recordings – all exquisitely displayed.  Quite honestly, regardless of party affiliation or political beliefs, this historical record of Lyndon Baines Johnson, our 36th president, is fascinating!


The Oval Office from 1963 to 1969, when LBJ served as president.

I enjoyed my entire visit, but my favorite part of my tour was the top floor where all the former first lady’s artifacts were on display.  Mrs. Johnson – Lady Bird – was an amazing woman.


A portrait of Lady Bird Johnson at the LBJ Library and Museum in Austin, Texas

On Friday field trip today, I am sharing a couple of my favorite photos from my visit to the museum.  The trip created a new motivation to try and visit all of the presidential libraries!  I even picked up a ‘passport’ that I can use to document my visits to each of the 13 libraries!


Lady Bird’s office during the time she worked on the LBJ Library & Museum.

If you want to learn more about Lady Bird, I highly recommend a great recent nonfiction book (that reads very much like a fiction) titled Lady Bird and Lyndon:  The Hidden Story of a Marriage That Made a President by Betty Boyd Caroli.

Another recent title you might also enjoy if former first ladies are of interest to you is  First Women:  The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies by Kate Andersen Brower.


The outside of the LBJ Library and Museum on the campus of the University of Texas in Austin.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a marvelous weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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first visit to texas


Flower in Texas pleasure in simple things blog

It has been a crazy week for me – a very busy time for two of my jobs! One was in Texas and gave me the opportunity to travel to the Lone Star state for the very first time. The Texas weather could have been better – the area I visited experienced some of the rain that has been so severe in parts of Texas as well as some other areas of the South.

chillaxin in Texas pleasure in simple things blog

Texas branch pleasure in simple things blog

In spite of the weather, I experienced many bright spots in my life over the past few days. It wasn’t the weather providing these bright spots…the sunshine was provided by the people I met! My job gave me the opportunity to meet many fabulous people and the experience made my heart sing!

lone pines with flowers pleasure in simple things blog

Texas state flower pleasure in simple things blog

I had to hit the ground running when I got back from my few days away – very busy with another job and trying to control the wave of sadness over the loss of a friend’s brother that really breaks my heart.

Lone Pines at the Fire Pit pleasure in simple things blogmy texas firepit smores pleasure in simple things blog

So, Friday field trip today is just a few quick glimpses of the location I visited in Texas. I thank those I worked with in addition to all the new people I met for making me smile during a week that ends with heartbreak – particularly for my dear, sweet, friend that lost her brother.  xoquote about my new friends with flowers pleasure in simple things blog

Longhorn pleasure in simple things blog
Thanks for stopping by.  Remember to take pleasure in simple things and to appreciate those close to you, Jackie

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