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Tag: strawberries

strawberry fields & recipe


friday field trip

It’s prime strawberry picking…that’s what the recording said when I called Jones farm to find out if strawberries were still in season.   That’s it then, I decided…I will pick strawberries for my Friday field trip.  Gee, I  can’t even remember the last time I was in a strawberry field.  I took my kids to pick strawberries (more like ‘eating’ strawberries) when they were small…those trips were all about the children having a good time and about providing them with a learning experience.

This time, my trip would be a solitary one.  I headed out to Jones Farm in Shelton, CT, a 400 acre farm run by the fifth and sixth generation members of the Jones family.

Under no pressure to pick any certain quota of strawberries (heck, we have a fridge full),  I spent my time at the farm really enjoying my surroundings…




And, I found a new ‘go to’ recipe for strawberries that is certain to replace the standard shortcake recipe for me – different and delicious.  I have included it here for you…complements of Jones Farm. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

A photo of recipe for Mystere Strawberries


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