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Tag: spring

spring at taken for granite


nautical decor

Here in Connecticut, it is still pretty chilly!

As we start to prepare for all things spring, I enjoy checking out the new spring goodies at all my favorite Connecticut gift shops!  My most recent excursion was to Taken for Granite in Branford.  I am sharing a little bit of my trip with you today!

Of course, I found a cute bunny or two!

bunny scene

And, there is always an amazing selection of jewelry:


collection of bracelets

beaded necklace

As well as home decor:


dried decor

pretty vases

blue vases

sun dish

Don’t these photos just make you want to check out all the spring selections out there?!

face pot

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you are inspired to check out this shop or one of your favorites!

star sculpture
Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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good neighbors



March can be a crazy weather time in New England.  One day may be snow and the next day could be a shorts and sandals kind of day!

This past week, with temperatures in the 60’s, it has certainly been more of the shorts-wearing type of weather!


The mild weather has made spending time outdoors very enjoyable this past week.  One of my favorite things this week was saying hello to some of my neighbors during my daily walks.  These three, in particular, are normally extremely shy.

three neighbors

Apparently, the warm weather has given them some extra courage to say hello!

I hope I have inspired you to take a walk and say hello to some of your neighbors!

llama friend

llama teeth

Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Spring!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things…like saying hello to your neighbors!  xo Jackie

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flowers on my walk

Is savor a verb you normally associate with eating or drinking?  It is so much more than that!

Experiences contribute so much more to our happiness than material items and by savoring, or enjoying something completely, we are creating happy moments!

flowering tree

One of the great gifts to come out of the quarantine experience for me is to be given more opportunities to savor things that surround me.

So, today I am suggesting you savor completely – like I did recently when appreciating these gorgeous trees on my daily walk.  I focused on them longer by telling someone else (you!) about them, stopping to smell them, taking photos of them, and sharing their beauty.

flowers among walking

It is a great gift to have the opportunity to stay in the present and appreciate something fully.

flowers while walking

I hope I have inspired you to take the opportunity to savor something today and contribute to your happiness!

flower savoring

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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march book giveaway!


One Good Deed giveaway book

Do you know what I really love about the month of March?  The start of spring!  The thought of milder days and the start of things starting to grow just makes me smile!  With that in mind, I picked a journal as the giveaway for March…it kind of plays into the whole idea of a sense of renewal.  The title is One Good Deed a Day:  a Journal.  I figure what better way to renew than to start journaling good deeds!

Just leave a comment to be entered to win this journal.

Many thanks to everyone who entered to win the February giveaway!  Congratulations to Michelle, the winner of the giveaway. (Click here to read more about it.)

One Good Deed a Day giveaway

Instagram users, please read on!  For the month of March, let’s share the spirit of the new season!  Use the hashtag #pleasuregram to share photos that hint at the start of spring!  What signals spring to you?

March 2018 Instagram Challenge

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

18 comments » | inspiration, monthly book giveaway

happy spring friends!


Happy Easter from pleasure in simple things blog

Hello all!  Please have the very happiest of weekends!  It is a hectic one for me since I am working this weekend and also trying to get ready for a family meal on Sunday – I’m on desserts!  I am taking inspiration from Chef Adam at Sift Bakery :)

For Friday field trip today, please enjoy my favorite homage to Earth Day, coming up on April 22nd.

Click here to see Repurposed Brown Bags.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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a cluck and an oink and healthful eating


pig at Sporthill Farm pleasure in simple things

For me, more so than the start of the new year, spring is the signal for new beginnings. And, just like the tradition of making new year resolutions, I always try to start spring off on the right foot. One thing that I am constantly trying to improve upon is my nutrition.

chickens at Springhill Farm pleasure in simple things

Each year, I try and take one or two baby steps that continue me on the path of healthy eating. Some of the steps I have taken in the past, for example, are the ones that have totally eliminated diet soda and artificial sweeteners.

Healthful eating is a real challenge. As a consumer, it is not always easy to make good food choices. This task definitely requires a lot of time and effort!

chickens up close pleasure in simple things blog

Up close and personal. What it looks like when a chicken pecks your camera lens!

One baby step I have added that really helps me in the time department is to shop in places that have virtually eliminated what I consider to be bad food choices. How do I do this? One way is by shopping locally at farmer’s markets and local farms.

friendly pigs at Sporthill Farm pleasure in simple things

This spring, I have already started visiting a local farm – Sporthill Farm in Easton. Even though there is not much product out yet, it is helping me develop a habit of visiting a healthy source for foods – another step toward a healthier lifestyle. And, as you can see by this week’s Friday field trip photos, I am meeting a few new friends along the way!

pigs at Sporthill Farm pleasure in simple things

In the words of Dave Weinbaum:  The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend!

new plants at Sporthill Farm pleasure in simple things blog

Wishing you many new beginnings! xo Jackie

Sharing with Nancherrow and The Shabby Nest.

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