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Tag: sea glass Christmas

christmas feathers


christmas feathers in sea glass colors pleasure in simple things blog

Last week wasn’t a very good week for my ‘to do’ list! The rainy days threw off my whole painting schedule. I was so disappointed because I had planned to paint furniture outside and I was eager to finish a very special piece I am currently working on. (More on that in a future post!)  In addition, my holiday preparations pretty much came to a screeching halt as I got distracted with some cooking, cleaning, and all around general errands!

uss feathers for Christmas pleasure in simple things blog

But, as I was washing all the windows in my house the other day, I started thinking about how I would add some feathers to my holiday décor. I love feathers and I really want to incorporate some into my sea glass theme for the holiday – especially since they remind me of seagulls.

making sea glass feathers pleasure in simple things blog

So, I did get a little distracted from my windows with some holiday thoughts and I had to paint some feathers that evening while I had a vision! I decided I would paint some in metallic gold and some in metallic sea glass colors. They came out great and I know I will use them later in my place settings and maybe, also, in some of my gift wrap.  And, by adding a gold thread to the feather, it turns into a beautiful holiday ornament!

seagull feathers in metallic pleasure in simple things blog

Painted feathers are so beautiful and can really be adapted to any décor and are super easy to make.   Just paint feathers using acrylic paint by applying it gently using cotton swabs.

I think these feathers will look great with my sea glass holiday décor. . .I hope I have inspired you to use some feathers in your décor!

Thanks for stopping by! Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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a sea glass christmas


sea glass and vintage cup pleasure in simple things blog

I shared my 2015 holiday theme with you in the last post.  My inspiration for this year’s Christmas decor is sea glass.

So, for Friday field trip today, I am giving you a quick little glimpse into how my inspiration is taking shape.

sea glass christmas pleasure in simple things blog

The first items I always incorporate into my holiday theme are my children’s baby cups.  I love finding imaginative ways to bring them into my Christmas decor each year.  With the sea glass theme, it is pretty easy!   I am going to fill the cups with sea glass and sea glass colored bottle brush trees!

sea glass and white candy canes pleasure in simple things blog

What do you think?  Am I off to a good start?  Next post I will share my sea glass advent calendar design. :)

Thanks for stopping in and sharing!

seas and greetings pleasure in simple things blog

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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