In an attempt to squeeze every last sun-filled second out of summer, today I am taking some time to have lunch with a friend at the beach and you can join me for today’s Friday field trip.

This is the time of year when I panic to think I haven’t truly appreciated my favorite season! Couldn’t I have done more summer ‘stuff?’ The season change already threatens with some cooler nights…one night has already been flannel worthy! Shouldn’t I have taken more time to make s’mores, attend an outdoor concert, or float in a tube on Long Island Sound? So, today I am fitting in some summer ‘stuff’ by having a lunch that truly celebrates summer in all its glory…

What do you think I am having for lunch? Lobster roll?…Hamburger? Nope!… Pizza! Pizza may not sound much like typical summer food, but with fresh, seasonal, limited- time garden tomatoes, how can you beat this plum pie with pesto? So seasonal and so good!

And, for dessert…doesn’t this scream summer?

Hope you enjoyed our quick summer lunch. Have a wonderful weekend! I hope you will stop back on Tuesday when I continue to celebrate summer by sharing my top summer obsessions of 2014. :)

Thank you for stopping by. Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie