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Tag: photo drink labels

photo drink labels for the holiday


holiday drink labels pleasure in simple things blog

I love a good theme. Part of what makes a great entertaining theme successful is consistency in the details. It also makes it fun for guests – because they are finding cool ways the theme has been brought into every detail. When it is the holidays, I like to take the details to the highest level!

personalized drink labels pleasure in simple things blog

I  want to share one of these details with you today – and, that is bottle labels! I don’t know about you, but in my house there is a certain contingency that drink from bottles – beer to be exact! Because my guys are so particular about their beers – microbreweries and such, I am not able to choose a beer that sticks with my theme. The wine drinkers can be a little more flexible – and for this year’s sea glass theme, I may just be able to sneak in a Sea Glass wine to stay on theme!

sea glass themed holiday with drink labels pleasure in simple things blog

Instead of trying to fight the selections, I will just modify the look of the drinks that are chosen with my own personally designed labels! This can be accomplished easily with a home printer, some labels, and some favorite photos!

making photo drink labels pleasure in simple things blog

Today, for those of you who may have some ‘issues’ with setting up forms on your home computer, I am showing you some labels that can be easily created using a website that specializes in photo gifts. There are plenty of them out there. I happen to think Pinhole Press puts out an exceptional quality product and the labels here were ordered from their website.

themed holiday drink labels pleasure in simple things blog

Using photos from my time at the beach and my own wording, I created both a beer bottle sized label and a wine sized label that I will use for the holidays. Now, no matter what bottle comes into the house, it will be right on theme! Aah!

themed drink labels pleasure in simple things blog

I created one design for beer bottles and one for wine bottles.  If you are challenged in the computer design/printing department, you can check out how easily you can create labels using Pinhole Press by clicking here.

I hope I have inspired you to create your own special labels!

Thanks for stopping by! Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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