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Tag: painting bowls

art to help hunger


sand dollar bowl

A work colleague was recently made aware of a really cool community service project and I – with a group of friends – got involved to help the cause!

a cherry blossom bowl pleasure in simple things blog

painting bowls hunger project

The charity we identified created an ‘empty bowls’ event.  This entailed a modest soup meal donated by a restaurant with the charity offering the meal for sale to the public.  Guests at the event also had the opportunity, while enjoying some soup, to purchase an ‘empty bowl.’  The proceeds from the bowls, in addition to the meal, were then used to feed the hungry.  A great idea, right?

painting bowl with pet

Are you wondering why someone would be motivated to buy an empty bowl?  Well, the bowls were all hand decorated!  “Who decorated the bowls,” you ask?  Why, myself and my group of friends – in addition to many other volunteers – all in all there were over 1,000 decorated bowls for sale at the event!painting bowls in process pleasure in simple things blogFor today’s Friday field trip, I am sharing some photos of the bowls decorated by my inspired group!

wishing you joy bowl

Some simple pottery bowls were painted, and later fired, in preparation for the ‘empty bowls’ event.  Every bowl we decorated (after it was fired) was sold at the event and the proceeds used to help feed the hungry.  I love the whole concept of this event!

painting bowls for hunger

I hope today’s post has inspired you to participate in some community service – or, better yet, to create your own ‘empty bowls’ event in your area!

unfired and fired bowls

The bowls on the left are the ‘before’ and the bowls on the right are ‘after’ the firing process…ready to be sold at the event!

Thanks for stopping by!

painting bowls with love pleasure in simple things blog

Enjoy your weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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