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Tag: outdoors

early gardening


white bleeding heart

May is the time for gardening…and, it is the time when my creative spirit moves from the indoors to the outdoors.  Typically, in this part of Connecticut, Mother’s Day is the ‘all clear’ for frost scares and it is on for planting annuals!

This time of year is so fun – using free time to visit nurseries to hunt for the perfect garden additions, adding plants to the garden, and planting annuals in containers.  For me, this includes searching for the new and unusual in white plants/flowers.  (If you follow this blog, you know I have what I call a ‘virgin’ garden – all the flowers bloom in whites!)

planted watering can

My garden is off to a great start!  It looks as though all my plants are doing well – the established and the new!

I am starting off the season with just a couple of planted containers.  I redesigned the basket by my front door with some spring annuals and planted in my grandma’s watering can.

planted basket

A small start, but one that brings me great joy!

I hope you find happiness in a pretty plant that you walk by each day or a visit to a local garden store!

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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good neighbors



March can be a crazy weather time in New England.  One day may be snow and the next day could be a shorts and sandals kind of day!

This past week, with temperatures in the 60’s, it has certainly been more of the shorts-wearing type of weather!


The mild weather has made spending time outdoors very enjoyable this past week.  One of my favorite things this week was saying hello to some of my neighbors during my daily walks.  These three, in particular, are normally extremely shy.

three neighbors

Apparently, the warm weather has given them some extra courage to say hello!

I hope I have inspired you to take a walk and say hello to some of your neighbors!

llama friend

llama teeth

Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Spring!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things…like saying hello to your neighbors!  xo Jackie

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snow beautiful


pink sky with snow

There have been so many times I have wished snow could be saved for a single day…that it would just snow on December 25th and no other day.  It’s just that snow can be so annoying.  All the cancellations, delays, shoveling…not to mention it occurs during cold temperatures!

majestic tree in snow

Here, in Connecticut, we have had quite a bit of snow recently.

hanging branch in snow

snowy tree

Now that so many people are working from home and distance learning is a regular thing, I don’t think the snow has as much a negative impact on everyone’s daily lives as in the past.  The term ‘snow day’ definitely must have a different meaning for all the children in school – lessons are just done remotely instead of in school.  How sad to miss a day of no school because of heavy snow!

snow with pink sky

This past week there was one day when the snow came down most of the day.  In the late afternoon I decided to venture outside and start some snow clearing.  The views of the fresh fallen snow were so beautiful, I decided to take a walk around to admire it.  Snow much fun!  These photos were taken on that walk – all with my phone – no filters.

snow delight

It is times like these that I really appreciate the four seasons we have here in the East and could not imagine living anywhere else.

pink sky with snow

Thanks for stopping by!

tall tree in snow

Remember to take pleasure in simple things – like the beauty of a fresh fallen snow, Jackie

2 comments » | garden, inspiration

white anemones at whites


white anenome

Botanical gardens or flower farms are a great resource to help decide on plant or flower choices for your own garden.

Seeing a plant in a pot is so different than seeing how it grows as part of an actual landscape!

anenome with birdhouse

A favorite spot for me to view planted gardens is White Flower Farm.  You can probably guess why.  There are always some great varieties of white flowers to admire!  By virtue of the name, I guess it is pretty much a requirement to offer some great white flowers for sale!

benches on a rainy day

On my last visit, I identified a new white flower variety I want for my own space.  If I had seen it offered for sale in a pot, I doubt I would have paid much attention to it.  But, ‘in the wild’ I fell completely in love!

My new current white favorite is a white anemone!

close up anenome

Pictured here are some photos of my current passion from my last visit to Whites.  Aren’t they beautiful!  Some great whiteness for the fall!

And now, Honorine Jobert Anemone is on my list of ‘must haves!’  What is on your list?

with close up bird house

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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s’mores for dinner


firepit and snacks

Well, I didn’t actually have s’mores for dinner…they were dessert to my dinner of a fabulous cheeseboard and a glass of Napa wine!

Connecticut has had some cool evenings this week – perfect fire pit weather!

fire pit

On today’s Friday field trip, I hope to inspire you to enjoy something unconventional for your next meal.  Maybe some Ferris Acres (my favorite ice cream spot)…or, Trader Joe’s yummy cinnamon bun spread on apples!  Don’t rule out ‘cake for breakfast!’

Trader Joes cinnamon bun spread

Have a fabulous weekend.  Thanks for stopping by!

marshmallow on the firepit

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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