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Tag: orchids

philadelphia flower show 2022


philly flower show fave

I have been to the Philadelphia Flower Show in years past.  Hailed as the world’s longest-running and largest indoor show in the country, it is hard for any flower lover not to visit at least once in their life!

The gazebo at fdr

But I have never been to the Philadelphia Flower Show since COVID.  And since COVID, there has been one huge change to the show – it moved outdoors from the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

pavillion orchids

Because of the change, I was especially excited to visit the show this year – my first with the outdoor venue.

orange at the pavillion

sky at fdr

The site for the show since COVID has been FDR Park – a 348-acre park located in South Philadelphia along the Delaware River.

orchids for days

The venue turned out to be really great – even though the day my daughter and I chose to attend was a 94-degree day!  Yes, it certainly was hot, but we found some nice breezes and some shady spots to rest.

orchids over water

The food and drink options were fabulous with many great seating areas available.  We chose to have a snack in the boat house which provided a shady spot with a picturesque view of the river.

pavillion at fdr

orchids philly flower show

Though I prefer white flowers over multi-colored and I am not particularly an orchid fan, the flower installation in the gazebo overlooking the river was my favorite!  A profusion of multi-colored flowers, predominately orchids, dazzled in the space.  The photos I share here are all from this installation.

roses at fdr

My daughter and I hadn’t been to Philadelphia in quite a few years and we had many stops on our list!  I am glad we included the flower show as one of our stops because it really was enjoyable – particularly because it was held outdoors.

pavillion orchid display

urn at FDR park

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

philly flower orchids

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

1 comment » | garden, style, travel

white orchids


hanging white orchids

The current highlight at Longwood Gardens, one of the top public gardens in the nation, is orchids.  I like orchids, though they are not my favorite.  But, I have to say, on my last trip to Longwood, I fell in love with one of the orchid installations.

Longwood Gardens hanging orchids

It consists of all white (my favorite flower color!) orchids suspended from the ceiling in balls.

orchid balls at Longwood

I am sharing a few photos of this display for today’s Friday field trip.  I am sorry the exposure of the photos isn’t the best, but they were taken on a stormy weekend!

closeup orchid balls

If you are an orchid lover, I strongly encourage you to visit Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.  The Orchid Extravaganza continues through March 25th.  If you can squeeze in a trip, you will also be treated to a viewing of a rare display of blue-poppies  – currently in bloom.

closeup from under white orchid balls

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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discovering orchids at terrain



It is no secret, whether I am in Connecticut or Pennsylvania, one of my favorite stores to visit is Terrain.  If you are a frequent visitor to pleasure in simple things, you have shared quite a few visits with me to the Connecticut store since its opening in Westport, Connecticut last spring.


Friday field trip this week is to Terrain to check out a demonstration on planting orchids.  Not knowing very much about orchids, I was intrigued watching Mary Ann from Terrain demonstrate how easy an orchid can be planted and also to learn that their care is not that difficult.  This particular weekend, Matthew, the Terrain landscape designer from the Pennsylvania store, was also on hand.  It was great to have the opportunity to speak with him.  He is a great resource for design questions – pertaining to landscapes or to interiors.


I watched Mary Ann carefully remove an orchid from its pot, removing as much of the moss as she could.  She trimmed away any rotten or blackened roots (with the really pretty scissors they sell at Terrain!)  This particular orchid was put into a container Mary Ann had crafted from birch bark and made to hang.

planting orchids


In nature, these plants thrive in strong light (but not direct late afternoon sun); high humidity; air flow around roots; regular periods of drying, alternating with drenching rains; and in temperatures between 50 degrees and 85 degrees.  So, the closer you replicate nature, the more success you will have in growing orchids.


At Terrain, the orchids are watered infrequently, but misted on a regular basis.  In the summer orchids need to be watered weekly, but in the winter, closer to once a month.


Did you know in nature, orchids are epiphytes?  That means they grow on other objects, clinging to rough bark or even stone.  Here, Mary Ann has created an orchid planting very much embracing the way an orchid would grow in nature.  After covering the roots of the plant in moss, she tied it to a piece of a white birch log.  Terrain actually sells pieces of white birch logs so that if you wanted to create one of these plantings yourself, you could do so.  A screw eye, picked up at Home Depot, is easy to attach to the top of the birch log for hanging.  Or, you could have Mary Ann create one for you!  Either way, it makes for a beautiful hanging.


I had fun admiring many other beautiful orchids in varying colors and varieties throughout the store.





I think this deeply hued hanging orchid would make a wonderfully romantic Valentine’s Day gift!


I have a new appreciation for orchids after my visit to Terrain…I also feel a little less intimidated about trying to repot some plants myself!  This field trip definitely made me yearn for spring though!!  How many more days!?

I hope you enjoyed our Friday field trip to Terrain to discover orchids…maybe it inspired you to create a planting of your own?   Or, to give one as a gift?

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend, Jackie

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