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Tag: nature

snow beautiful


pink sky with snow

There have been so many times I have wished snow could be saved for a single day…that it would just snow on December 25th and no other day.  It’s just that snow can be so annoying.  All the cancellations, delays, shoveling…not to mention it occurs during cold temperatures!

majestic tree in snow

Here, in Connecticut, we have had quite a bit of snow recently.

hanging branch in snow

snowy tree

Now that so many people are working from home and distance learning is a regular thing, I don’t think the snow has as much a negative impact on everyone’s daily lives as in the past.  The term ‘snow day’ definitely must have a different meaning for all the children in school – lessons are just done remotely instead of in school.  How sad to miss a day of no school because of heavy snow!

snow with pink sky

This past week there was one day when the snow came down most of the day.  In the late afternoon I decided to venture outside and start some snow clearing.  The views of the fresh fallen snow were so beautiful, I decided to take a walk around to admire it.  Snow much fun!  These photos were taken on that walk – all with my phone – no filters.

snow delight

It is times like these that I really appreciate the four seasons we have here in the East and could not imagine living anywhere else.

pink sky with snow

Thanks for stopping by!

tall tree in snow

Remember to take pleasure in simple things – like the beauty of a fresh fallen snow, Jackie

2 comments » | garden, inspiration

barking up a storm


sea lion in Santa Cruz

Something we do not see in East Coast waters are sea lions.  So, spotting them while in Northern California was something of a novelty for me.

California sea lions

California sea lions are “eared seals” native to the West Coast of North America. They live in coastal waters and on beaches, docks, buoys, and jetties. On my trip, the place I saw the most sea lions was when I walked the Santa Cruz Wharf – they were everywhere!

Many sea lions

These guys weigh 240 to 700 lbs. and live to be 20 to 30 years old.  They are easily trained and intelligent which is why they are commonly seen in zoos and aquariums. They are also very vocal – they sound like barking dogs!  Click on the link below to see some in action!

Video of sea lions in Santa Cruz

They are definitely a blast to watch!

We wondered if these guys made a mess in the boat they jumped into!

young sea lions

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my West Coast pets! ;)

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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in awe of autumn


view of Heublein Tower from a distance pleasure in simple things

If you follow my blog, you may have noticed that I visit at least one spot each year out of my normal routine (like when I took the fall steam train ride) to observe the beauty of autumn. Sometimes, removing myself from my daily surroundings really helps to provide me with a new perspective and an added appreciation for the beauty of nature all around me.

fall trail walk in CT pleasure in simple things

Placing myself in some new surroundings was my intent when I made a visit to Talcott Mountain State Park in Simsbury, Connecticut to hike up Talcott Mountain to the Heublein Tower. With two friends joining me, we picked a day that ended up being a beauty! The sun was shining and the weather was perfect! We probably missed the peak of the changing leaves by a week, but the foliage views were magnificent just the same!

beauty of fall at Talcott Mt State Park pleasure in simple things

The hike on Tower Trail to reach the Heublein Tower, at the top of the Talcott Mountain, is about 1.25 miles and we were enjoying every step of it!

enjoying ct in the fall pleasure in simple things

Because of the time of year, the views were fantastic the entire walk; causing many stops along the way.

Heublein Tower in Simsbury, CT pleasure in simple things

It was fun having a destination, but the hit of the day was definitely the foliage – not the tower!

fall beauty at Talcott Mt State Park pleasure in simple things

The tower is a 165-foot structure built as a summer home in 1914 by Gilbert Heublein.  Heublein was a celebrated German-born hotelier and restauranteur as well as an innovator in the American gourmet food and liquor industry.  The tower holds some interesting history…in the early fifties, two future presidents visited the tower – General Dwight D. Eisenhower (who was asked to run for office there) and Ronald Reagan, then president of the Screen Actors’ Guild!  History buffs are sure to enjoy the photographs and historical information on display throughout the building.

fall at Talcott Mt State Park in CT pleasure in simple things

The tower is open and accessible to the public through the entire month of October.  The hike to the tower is a wonderful family outing, especially since it is not a difficult climb and the park requires no admittance charge or parking fee.

looking up at fall trees pleasure in simple things

Once at the tower,  visitors (like me) can climb the six-storied structure to the top and admire the beautiful views of Connecticut and beyond.

Heublein Tower window pleasure in simple things

On the horizon, Mount Monadnock, eighty miles away in New Hampshire, is discernible.  To the northwest, the Berkshires dominate the horizon.

water view from the Heublein Tower pleasure in simple things

In addition to river views, Long Island Sound is revealed as a thin blue streak to the south.  Those with sharp vision can see an area estimated to be 1,200 square miles.

view from Heublein Tower pleasure in simple things

This photo is the view out the door of the tower as we were leaving to head back down the trail…

view of front entrance of Heublein Tower pleasure in simple things

And, this view is one from a stop along the trail heading down the mountain.

walking the trail to the Heublein Tower pleasure in simple things

A truly wonderful afternoon sharing the beauty of the season with friends –  in awe of autumn.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at Craftberry Bush and Friday Finds.

8 comments » | field trips, inspiration

the pace of nature


acorn photo

Although the sun did not make much of an appearance this Labor Day Weekend, it was a bright one…I spent time with some special friends in a secluded retreat amid the trees in upstate New York and, for a short patch of time, adopted the pace of nature.

woods photo

We had no schedules to follow or any particular plans – the beauty of our friendship is that we didn’t need to.

morning coffee in the forest

queen annes lace in woods

Appreciating our surroundings and embracing our friendship…

Forest prose

as well as enjoying some new friends…made for a memorable time together.

birch trees

Being in the woods makes an appreciation of nature hard to ignore.

acorn in the woods

I collected some forest treasures this weekend and look forward to using the woodland/forest inspiration as the basis for my holiday preparations this year. And, in the spirit of this weekend, I will embrace the feelings of friendship and of adopting the pace of nature in all my holiday planning…

I am excited about starting some of the projects I have imagined!

2013 holiday inspiration board

Thanks for stopping by and sharing my weekend inspiration…Did you find anything to spark your inspiration this Labor Day weekend?

Remember to take

pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with Craftberry Bush.

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