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Tag: National Relaxation Day

take a breath


coming into shore pleasure in simple things blog

Did you know yesterday was National Relaxation Day?

clouds over the water pleasure in simple things blog

It seems odd to me to assign a relaxation day on a day when so many people are starting a busy work week.  Am I the only one that needs to hit the ground running on a Monday morning?  I think this day should be renamed ‘National Take 5 Minutes of Relaxation Time’  for the average person to realistically participate!  If you have a whole day free to relax, you probably don’t need to!

view from a boat pleasure in simple things blog

With that being said, I am sharing my most recent relaxation time – not an entire day, mind you – but, a couple of hours on the water with some friends.

pleasure in simple things relaxing on the waterI hope these photos will inspire you to take your ‘5 minutes’ of relaxation time.  Take a deep breath and truly relax – even if only for the few minutes it takes you to look through these photos.

boats on the water pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks for stopping by.

Queen of the world...pleasure in simple things blog

(No, that’s not me, but my friend is definitely chillaxing…queen of the world!)

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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