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Tag: Milk House Chocolates

milk house chocolates at thorncrest farm


Thorncrest Farm in Goshen

Connecticut constantly amazes me.  I have lived here my whole live and I am still able to discover some great, new places on a regular basis!

Road to Thorncrest

Milk House Chocolates at Thorncrest Farm was a recent discovery that blew me away.  Artisanal chocolates are made in small batches one at a time with no preservatives using their own fresh milk, cream, and butter.

barn full of cows at Thorncrest Farm

The phrase coined by the farm ‘the magic is in the milk” is an understatement!

literally a cowbell

The farm operates on a core focus of comfort and happiness of their cows.  They recognize each cow’s individual flavor in the milk, and ensure that flavor isn’t compromised by never allowing the cows to be stressed out!  Kimberly and Clint Thorn believe great flavor from milk comes from lack of stress – that any kind of stress shows up right away in the milk.  Everything from which cow is sitting next to which, to the hay they eat (they are fed only the sweetest hay and natural feeds) and the comfort of their beds can directly affect the flavor of their milk, so every little detail related to the cow’s happiness is considered!

cows at Thorncrest Farm

Each chocolate is connected to a very specific cow, with each cow’s milk making an unbelievable difference in the flavor of the chocolates.  For instance, after meeting the cow Daydream, I discovered every single caramel at Milk House is made strictly from her milk since the sweetness and flavor of her milk, with its ivory, buttery tone, makes it the best choice for a great tasting caramel!

Daydream the cow in the barn

I was fascinated to find out that milk works much in the same way as wine – just like each wine has a specific type of grape from a specific region and is affected greatly by the climate, soil, and other factors – milk works much in the same way.  So, the 122 unique chocolates in rotation throughout the year at Milk House Chocolates are determined by several factors – including which cows are milking at that time!

mama and baby cow at Thorncrest Farm

These chocolates are truly amazing – of course, the freshness is off the chart, but also, they melt different, taste different, and feel different than a typical chocolate.  I tasted the root beer filled and the dark chocolate and peanut butter with sea salt and couldn’t believe the fresh, rich tastiness of each piece.

biting into a peanut butter chocolate

A fresh peanut butter sea salt chocolate.

I brought myself home a bag of caramels made from Daydream’s milk.  I really wanted to bring home some fresh milk infused with vanilla bean (doesn’t that sound luscious?), but I hadn’t brought a cooler with me so I couldn’t safely transport it home.

Daydream's coffee caramels

What a find this place is!  I can’t wait to make another visit!

biting into a root beer chocolate

Biting into a fresh root beer filled chocolate at Thorncrest Farm.

Note:  In addition to visiting Thorncrest Farm in Goshen, Connecticut, you may enjoy making a day of exploring 10 farms in Goshen this summer.  The tour is offered free of charge on August 4th and 5th through the Goshen Agricultural Council.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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