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Tag: Lyman Orchards

squash blossoms…farm to table


An easy do-it-yourself pictorial.

For the first time this year, I picked my own squash blossoms when I visited Lyman Orchards in Middlefield, CT.  I happened to overhear someone asking directions to the appropriate field to pick them.  I immediately got excited about the prospect of picking some myself.  I have had fried squash blossoms in restaurants and really enjoyed them – even though I am not a big fried food lover.  I decided to take the opportunity to try and cook some up myself.

I originally posted these photos on my facebook page, but have had many requests to put them on a blog post for those that don’t use facebook.  So, here is how I prepared the squash blossoms…it was very easy and they were very delicious!






Easy!  Hope you enjoyed these photos on preparing squash blossoms…farm to table!

Thanks for visiting!  Enjoy your holiday weekend, Jackie

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discovering a sunflower maze


Navigating through 350,000 sunflowers.

I have been to many corn mazes in my lifetime, but had never heard of a sunflower maze until last week. I certainly was intrigued by the idea of it. Imagine a field full of sunflowers…it just sounded so Provence. Not caring so much about the maze, but more about the sunflowers, I decided to make the trip to Middlefield, CT to check it out. It was my first trip to the 1,100 acre Lyman Orchards farm.

A photo of a sunflower at the Lyman Orchards sunflower maze in Middlefield, CT.

I had imagined a field of yellow. But, as I approached the field, I discovered that there were many varieties and colors of sunflowers that made up the maze. My favorites were not the yellows at all, but some of the varieties in the darker hues. They were all beautiful. It didn’t even bother me when I got so terribly lost in the maze… I was too busy taking in all the varieties of sunflowers and trying my darndest to avoid all the bees. (I felt lucky to only sustain one bite.)

A photo from the sunflower maze. The flowers are ‘sterile’ meaning there is no pollen…this discourages the bees from hanging around for very long.

I have included a very short piece of video at the end of the post that I took with my son’s GoPro camera, hoping to capture a little of the experience for you…needless to say, a very rookie job…what can

I say…it was my first attempt! It is very tough to take video without a viewfinder!

A photo of one of my favorite sunflowers at the sunflower maze. Lyman Orchards is the 12th oldest family-owned business in the U.S., operating since 1741 and currently run by the eighth generation!

My first visit to a sunflower maze was a wonderful experience. Please enjoy the photos of this truly lovely place.

Thanks for visiting, Jackie

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