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Tag: lettering

new skills for a new year


lettering quotes on old books

To say I will try new things in this new year doesn’t seem like anything new!  I’m always trying new things and can never seem to find the time to try everything I’d like to!

One of these things is calligraphy.  When I was in junior high school, I excelled at pen and ink lettering and was surprised when parents asked to purchase my watercolor and pen and ink posters at the school’s annual art fair.  Back then, we wrote quotes in Old English in ink on large sheets of parchment paper.

hat is hat

For a long time, I have wanted to do some lettering in a more modern way than my days of penning in the Old English typestyle!  Lettering has made a comeback big time, even though new computer programs and cutting machines have made it easier than ever to create lettering digitally.

first practice

Lettering is the type of skill that requires a lot of practice – since consistency is key – and it is hard to carve out enough time to do so!  A few hours in an afternoon probably isn’t enough time to master any skill, but that is all I have been able to allocate to lettering thus far!

Since I am such an admirer of old books, I had a DIY idea that is very personal to me.  I want to create some quotes I like on old books.  Unfortunately, there is not much room for error – once the ink is down, that is it!  I tried one as a test.  After only a couple hours of practice – not too bad.  That first letter didn’t really come out the way I wanted.  Oh, well!   I think I need a lot more practice before I put any more ink to book!

quote on a book

Do you have any plans to try a new skill in 2019?  Why not?  Choose one and run with it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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