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Tag: journaling

march book giveaway!


One Good Deed giveaway book

Do you know what I really love about the month of March?  The start of spring!  The thought of milder days and the start of things starting to grow just makes me smile!  With that in mind, I picked a journal as the giveaway for March…it kind of plays into the whole idea of a sense of renewal.  The title is One Good Deed a Day:  a Journal.  I figure what better way to renew than to start journaling good deeds!

Just leave a comment to be entered to win this journal.

Many thanks to everyone who entered to win the February giveaway!  Congratulations to Michelle, the winner of the giveaway. (Click here to read more about it.)

One Good Deed a Day giveaway

Instagram users, please read on!  For the month of March, let’s share the spirit of the new season!  Use the hashtag #pleasuregram to share photos that hint at the start of spring!  What signals spring to you?

March 2018 Instagram Challenge

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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