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Tag: garden tour

dusk in the garden


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At the beach or in the garden, the light at dusk is my favorite light of the day.

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I am enjoying the opportunity to explore a yard I haven’t seen before at this glorious time of day.

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And, today for Friday field trip, I am sharing my visit with you.

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Many would have found the challenge of creating a pleasing landscape in a sloping yard with plenty of trees and ledge as too much to handle.

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That is not the case with the owners of this yard!  If the abundance of shade presented a challenge, it is not evident to anyone who visits this beautiful and imaginative space.

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The details are lovely and there are plenty of unique features.

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I think one of my favorite aspects of the garden spaces is that where many may have used white, (on a pair of Adirondack chairs, planters, garden shelves, fence) this couple chose to use black as a ‘go-to’ color.  The use of the darker color brings a sense of richness to the design.

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I hope you have enjoyed a few glimpses of this lovely space today on Friday field trip.  Thanks for stopping by.

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Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with NancherrowThe Shabby Nest, French Country Cottage, and Craftberry Bush.

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a special garden tour


garden tour photo

When I asked my friends Phyllis & John to agree to have their home included on a garden tour; they were hesitant.  In my mind, they were the perfect couple to ask…their yard was certainly my favorite.. Geez, I would like to retire to their yard!  They live on a golf course, have a beautiful built-in pool, a vegetable and herb garden, a potting shed, and gorgeous flowers and plants everywhere…what more could you want? 

potting shed on the garden tour

Anyway, once I explained that the tour was a scholarship benefit, they readily agreed to participate.  Today for Friday field trip, we are visiting the breathtaking grounds surrounding their 1852 home in Fairfield County, Connecticut on the day of the garden tour.  

view overlooking golf course

It was very hard to edit this post since there are so many facets to this yard, designed and planted solely by the homeowners.  Such a fun yard to explore…Phyllis has created beautiful vignettes in every nook and cranny.   

vegetable garden on garden tour

John’s ‘baby’ is the vegetable garden.  A retired giant pumpkin planter (yup…he once grew a prize winner that weighed 625 lbs!), he now concentrates on vegetables and herbs.  In addition to the planting, he built the stone walls and fences that so beautifully surround the space.  Yes, that is an outhouse in the back of the garden…original to the property.  John also crafted the handsome birdhouse that stands in the front section of the property.

vegetable garden on the garden tour

Friday field trip garden tour

Friday field trip garden tour

Friday field trip garden tour

What do you serve for refreshments on a garden tour?  I really wanted to create a menu that was true to the house…concentrating on fresh vegetables, herbs, and flowers.  I spent quite a bit of time on it and finally decided on rosemary sea salt shortbreads, rosewater meringues, fresh tomatoes with basil and marinated mozzarella, watermelon with fresh ricotta drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and finished with salt, pepper and mint, and lemon raspberry tartlets.  Beverages served were cucumber water with nasturtium and pansy ice cubes and home made iced tea lightly sweetened with simple syrup infused with lemon and mint.

Friday field trip garden tour food

Friday field trip garden tour

Friday field trip garden tour pool

Friday field trip garden tour

Friday field trip garden tour

I hope you enjoyed our Friday field trip garden tour!  Thank you John and Phyllis…your yard is truly a labor of love and it shows!  Thanks also to the beautiful and talented gals – Emma and Sara.;)

If you haven’t already, please ‘like’ my facebook page to see additional photos.  You can also follow me on Instagram and Pinterest.

Friday field trip garden tour front door

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at Mona’s Picturesque, Little Red House, and Craftberry Bush.

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