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Tag: garden decor

a purple pop of flowers


purple pansies

We just had some snow here in Connecticut – not typical weather for May.  The cold snaps have made all the flower gardeners hesitant to get started with putting out annuals this year.

I usually use Mother’s Day as my ‘safe to plant’ indicator, but I know some of the experts say not to plant until after the new moon.

entrance purple flowers

With all the hesitation to get plants in the ground, it was so refreshing to see my friend Phyllis has started working on her garden décor.  The plantings she had put around her side entrance really look fabulous.  She changes things up each season and for spring she has incorporated a splash of purple into her creations.

porch topiary

purple with pussywillows

I hope seeing these flowers make you smile as much as I did when I saw them!

Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend!


Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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water you waiting for?



Unless you are obsessed with details like I am, you probably haven’t been searching for the perfect garden hose!  I like every detail in my environment to be beautiful – even if it is just something I use to water my garden!

I was a little surprised when I started shopping around locally, that beautiful garden accessories aren’t that abundant!  I find it surprising because there are so many people interested in gardening – particularly in my home state of Connecticut!

If you follow my blog, you know I am really into what I call a ‘virgin’ garden – I love all flowers that are white!  So, it would make sense that I would be on the hunt for a beautiful white hose, right?  Well, when I didn’t find a beautiful hose at any of the garden stores I visited, I ended up purchasing a hose and a hose holder the exact color of my house.  It worked out well because the hose just kind of blends in with the house.

Since the purchase, I have been able to locate a couple gorgeous white hoses and I thought I would share them today on Friday field trip just in case anyone else out there is on the hunt for a really beautiful garden hose!!

I am sharing my two favorites!  The first is from one of my favorite stores – Terrain!  If you go to their online store, there are a bunch of beautiful color hoses to choose from…my favorite, of course, is the white one!  Look how gorgeous it is!

whitehose from Terrain

The second hose I found is from Garden Glory.  They have some really over the top garden accessories (even leopard!) – check out their website when you have a chance (look at that diamond ring bird feeder!).  This is their white garden hose:

gardenglory white hose

One of these hoses would really go well with my white bleeding hearts, lily of the valley, moon flowers, white forsythia…

If you want one, there are pretty garden hoses out there!  It will take me until the current hose wears out to save up for a white one!

Have a fabulous weekend!  I hope you get some time off for Labor Day!  I will be working in the garden! ;)

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Note:  The photos of the white hoses are taken from the respective stores’ website.

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