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Tag: Frank Lloyd Wright

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 FLW winter home

For today’s Friday field trip, I am continuing the photo essay of my visit to Taliesin West, the architectural school and winter residence of famed Frank Lloyd Wright, designer of iconic buildings, including the Guggenheim Museum.

outside view FLW

outside long view FLW

This National Historical Landmark is located in Scottsdale, Arizona.

FLW Winter lab

Wright’s intent was to use the facility to train architects.

fountain at flw

ornament at FLW

Regardless of what your personal opinion may be about Wright’s style, the way he embraced nature with his design of Taliesin West can definitely be appreciated by all who visit.

bathroom at FLW

Scottsdale FLW home

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

outdoors at FLW

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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Taliesin West


residence FLW Arizona

On a recent trip to Scottsdale, Arizona, I visited the city’s only National Historical Landmark – Taliesin West.  The landmark was architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s winter camp and desert laboratory.

FLW residence

Whether you are interested in design or are just fascinated by notable people in history, Taliesin West is worth visiting.  Today, I am sharing some photos from Taliesin West – what Frank Lloyd Wright called “a look over the rim of the world.”  The location still functions as a learning facility.

detail at Frank Lloyd Wright

light at FLW

Frank Lloyd Wright, as you may or may not know, led a very colorful personal life (some of this has been documented in the historical fiction by Nancy Horan, Loving Frank.)

inside at FLW

books at FLW

This week, I am sharing some photos from my visit to Taliesin.

pool in front of flw

Thanks for stopping by!

outdoor ornament FLW

cactus at FLW

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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