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Tag: foraging

monthly book giveaway for october!


backyard foraging

I am finding it hard to believe it is already October!  This means it is time to give away September’s book selection and to announce the giveaway for October!

Congratulations to Katherine over at the blog Creating Through Life for winning the September book giveaway!  Katherine will receive a signed copy of Cook Like a Rock Star by Anne Burrell.  You are going to love this book Katherine!  

Now for October’s giveaway selection!  This month’s book is a unique selection that goes along with the ‘outdoorsy’ woodland vibe I have been exploring lately…remember my holiday inspiration?

This book is about foraging in your backyard!  It is a really interesting selection…you will be amazed at the 65 familiar plants you didn’t know you could eat!  The book is called Backyard Foraging and I am giving away a copy signed by the author, Ellen Zachos.  Ms. Zachos, author of many books on gardening, leads foraging walks and teaches at the New York Botanical Garden, where she received her certification in Commercial Horticulture and Ethnobotany.

Leave a comment here or on facebook to win this month’s giveaway.  Good luck!

backyard foraging

Isn’t this a perfect selection as a tie-in to my inspiration board?

2013 woodland inspiration

Happy October!  Thank you so much for stopping by, Jackie  Instagram users, read on…

For you Instagram lovers, this month’s challenge is to share any white pumpkin sightings using hashtag #pleasuregram.

October Instagram Challenge

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