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Tag: flowers

may day flowers


may day flowers

For Friday field trip this week, we are stepping back in time to honor an old tradition that celebrates the start of spring.   Up until the end of the 20th century, part of the May Day tradition included leaving flowers anonymously on neighbor’s doorsteps on May 1st as a signal to the start of spring.

may day tradition

Last year I had some fun making hanging flower containers with driftwood, shells, and repurposed glass tubes.  This year, I am creating some gifts of floral spheres that are easy to create using flower oasis and grocery store flowers.

oasis ballI am starting by cutting a block of oasis material into a four inch square.  (Oasis is available at any dollar store, craft store, or flower shop.)

The material is very easy to cut with a serrated knife, but can be messy – be sure to cover your work surface with newspaper before starting this process.

After cutting a square cube, sculpt the material into a sphere shape using your knife.

Once the shape is created, let the material soak up water by submerging it in a container of room temperature tap water.

Next, add flowers.  Pins or fasteners will not be required to attach the flowers if flowers with stiff stems are chosen – like the ones I have used here.  Just leave some length on the stems so they can be poked into the material.

Place the flower heads in close enough to each other to prevent seeing glimpses of the surface (to avoid needing any additional filler flowers).

A 4″ cube can easily be filled with a small bouquet from the grocery store florist…or flowers from your garden – if you are lucky enough to be in a part of the country that makes this possible!

may day purple flower

Now you have created a beautiful sphere shaped flower arrangement that can be displayed in any small container that accommodates the size of the sphere.  I have used a sugar bowl and a small flower pot.

No fear, if you want to continue the May Day tradition of hanging your arrangement, this is easy to accomplish.  Before adding the flowers, attach some twine around the sphere and you can easily hang your May Day arrangement.

may day flowers in a sugar bowl

Take note that hanging is possible because of the small size of the sphere.  Because the added water adds weight to the sphere, this would not work with a larger size sphere – the twine would cut through the material.  And be sure to use twine – moisture from the water would stain a ribbon.

preparing circular oasis

I much prefer the sphere displayed in a container, but if you need to follow the tradition to the letter, your arrangement can be hung on a nearby doorknob. ;)

circle of hanging flowers

Happy May Day!

may day yellow flowers

Thank you so much for stopping by.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with Craftberry Bush, The Shabby Nest, and Common Ground.

1 comment » | diy, garden, gift ideas, nostalgia

top 5 from philly flower show 2014


Philly Flower Show 2014

The Philadelphia Flower Show had an amazing theme this year…ARTiculture!

I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to attend the longest-running and largest indoor flower show!

With so much to see, the show was overwhelming. What makes the show special is in the way each attendee has a unique visit – each person sees the show from their own perspective…in this way, the show is a very personal experience.

As a way to share this personal experience with you on Friday field trip this week, I am sharing my personal top 5 from the Philadelphia Flower Show 2014.

THEME. I loved the art theme this year! ARTiculture! Working in collaboration with Philadelphia museums and the local art world made the Flower Show theme the best in years! The art influences were everywhere…but this display, in my estimation, integrated the theme perfectly!

Philly  Flower Show Display

Philly Flower Show canvas

Even food was treated as art in this amazing display:

food at Philly Flower Show

DEMONSTRATION. The lectures and demonstrations offered at the Flower Show are always a high point for me…learning anything new is always fun and I enjoy watching the variety of demonstrations offered on the show schedule.

This year, while attending an evening sponsored by Philadelphia Magazine, I met the talented artist Denise Fike. Denise provided guests with their own fashion portraits…what a fun demonstration and a cool way to incorporate the theme of the show!

Artist Denise Fike at Philly Flower Show

FRIENDS. One great aspect of an annual show is to visit people you have met year after year. I had three in particular that I really enjoyed catching up with in the retail section of the show.

One was Michelle Masters…she creates this

beautiful topiary art…

Michele Masters topiary art

I was happy to have the opportunity to stock up on my notecards and to purchase a few great gifts. ;)

Michele Masters

I also had the chance to spend some time with Jill Schwartz. As owner of Elements, she creates some really awesome jewelry…you may have seen some of her unique pieces in Anthropologie.

Elements by Jill Schwartz

Jill Schwartz necklace

If you are a flower lover and have not seen the products from Chive you are definitely missing something great! It is so inspiring to see all their products ‘up close and personal’ at the flower show each year and to say ‘hi’ to the friendly staff. I love using their products for big events and small parties…they have wonderful pieces to use as favors and as centerpieces.

Chive Flower vases

SCULPTURE. Each year, I am intrigued by some type of sculpture at the show. Of course, everyone attending was mesmerized by the entrance of the show, where masses of flowers were put together and displayed in a ‘frame.’ I found a couple more I enjoyed.

The paper flower sculptures in the hallways leading to the main rooms were awesome and gave any of us dappling in paper flower construction a whole new level of inspiration!

paper sculpture

paper sculpture

paper sculpture

paper sculpture

As a typography lover, I enjoyed this sculpture in the Convention Center hallway.

Typography sculpture

GARDEN INSPIRATION. Admittedly, much of my day was spent oohing and aahing the amazing varieties of flowers on display. It’s great to be inspired to find something to incorporate into my own garden. This year, that inspiration was the witch hazel. As a winter bloomer, I know it would be a lovely way to add some color to the snow next year! My own state (Connecticut) is the witch hazel capital and was the first to harvest and market it for its medicinal purposes…surprisingly, I have not already included it in my garden! This is how it looks in bloom.

witch hazel

That is my little glimpse into the 2014 Philadelphia Flower Show. Hope you enjoyed this week’s Friday field trip!

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend, Jackie

Sharing at Mona’s Picturesque, Crafts a la Mode, and The Tablescaper.

9 comments » | field trips, garden, gift ideas

a valentine delivery


flowers in a teapot

This year is my favorite Valentine’s Day.

For Friday field trip today I am sharing the reason why.

I don’t have any big dinner plans…I didn’t receive a romantic gift…

I was given the opportunity to create and deliver fresh flower arrangements to residents of senior living facilities in my hometown.

Flowers for nursing home

The arrangements were created by some of the members of my garden club.  With some basic flower choices from a local wholesaler and some miscellaneous containers collected by members, arrangements were lovingly put together one night this week.

The gals got together – clippers and gloves in hand – enjoying conversation and indulging in refreshments homemade by some of the members.

There is such a joy in giving Valentines to people that may not otherwise receive them, and although I did not personally know any of the residents receiving the gifts of flowers, strong connections to all the nursing facilities visited made the impact of the gesture very real to me.

Nursing home on Valentine's Day

If you belong to a garden club, consider adding this activity to your calendar for next year  :)…if you don’t belong to a garden club, think about inviting a group of friends over next February for a special Valentine activity.  Cute containers can be collected all year at yard sales or from flower arrangements you receive.  (Just remember to keep the arrangements small since there is usually limited space in resident rooms.  Also, call the residence in advance to find out about any special needs.)

quote about senior citizens

Thank you for stopping by.  Have a wonderful evening.  Here is my Valentine gift to you…the best  ‘set the mood’ songs of all time!  Enjoy!

Here in the Northeast we are again getting blanketed with snow.  Luckily, the Valentine’s Day arrangements have all been safely delivered. :)

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

1 comment » | field trips, garden, inspiration

goodbye garden


planting flowers in a white pumpkin

There is no denying that fall is Connecticut in beautiful.  But, to make way for the beauty of the changing leaves, the flowers vanish.

fall collage

This is the time of year when I have to take in my favorite bird bath to protect it from being broken by the first frost…For Friday field trip today, I thought we would go outside and take a look in the garden to see what survived the start of autumn…


There is plenty of euphorbia…it seems to like this time of year…among it, one lone piece of lavender…

end of summer flowers

Not much else…some mums of course…and, a monster black-eyed susan vine.  I decided to create something with the few flowers I had left…to capture one last look at my garden…so I arranged them in one of my white pumpkins to bring into the house.

mums in a pumpkin

This is easy to do…if you want to create one, just cut off the top of a pumpkin, hollow out the inside, and add floral foam to arrange the flowers.  (You might remember last year I planted succulents.)

flowers in a pumpkin

I like my little reminder of what is left of summer in my garden.

fall quote

Thank you so much for stopping by.

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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personal reflections at longwood gardens


Longwood Gardens

Friday field trip this week is to Longwood Gardens.  With over 1,000 acres of garden, woodland, and meadows, it almost doesn’t seem correct to refer to it as  ‘gardens’ since it is so much more like a museum than a garden.  And, like a museum, a visit to Longwood is a very personal experience.  Today, you are seeing Longwood through my personal reflection.

tulips at Longwood Gardens

Longwood Gardens fountains

My visit was in late April and most visitors were preoccupied with the tulips in bloom – certainly the sheer number of blooms was awesome…no question about that.  The Flower Garden Walk display boasted over 100,000 bulbs in bloom!  So, I am sure many left Longwood the same day as I, with cameras filled with photos predominately of tulip masses.  Not the case for me.  In fact, the rose arches I was so obsessed with were not even in bloom! 

Rose Arch at Longwood Gardens

This trip, my personal favorites…in order of fascination were – the copper beech trees, the whimsical topiary garden, and the rose arches.  And, I should mention (in case you don’t already know), that I have a special affinity for all flowers white!  (If you need some proof, you can check out the white flowers in my garden last spring.)

white tulips en masse at Longwood Gardens

Copper Beech trees at Longwood Gardens

Copper beech tree at Longwood Garden

copper beech at Longwood Gardens

Recently named #2 on the national list of top public gardens, Longwood Gardens, in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania is a truly amazing place to visit.  Each visit is a unique and visually exciting experience.Topiary Garden at Longwood Gardensdaisies at Longwood Gardens

Topiary Garden at Longwood Gardens

Every day this living museum provides something different bursting into bloom – cycles differ year to year.  Even the weather changes the way things look each visit.  On one trip you may observe a hummingbird that changes your whole perspective of a flower… or a sunny spot one visit may be in the shade the next visit and change the experience…Longwood showcases nature at its most inspiring.  

Longwood Gardens

We took full advantage of the beautiful day by enjoying a picnic lunch in the space provided by Longwood.  I am so glad we did since I enjoyed the beauty of this tree while we ate…

magnolia tree bloom

Less than an hour outside Philly, Longwood is an easy place for me to visit while staying with my daughter in the city and I continue to visit…each time a new adventure :)

Thank you for visiting and sharing my visit to Longwood Gardens.   I will leave you with a very amateurish video of the beautiful Italian Water Garden…sorry, I have only used the camera a couple of times and I am still trying to learn how to use it…but, you can get some idea of how beautiful the water garden is!  Couldn’t resist adding the song!

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!  I love celebrating the results of my motherhood – my two greatest accomplishments in life :) 

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with:  Tablescaper, Craftionary, Mona’s Picturesque, Craftberry Bush, Nuture Photography Spring Challenge, and Common Ground.

18 comments » | field trips, garden

random acts of flowers


flowers and seaglass

Today’s Friday field trip is a step back in time…back to the late 20th century…to celebrate the May Day (May 1st) tradition of leaving flowers anonymously on neighbor’s doorsteps as a signal to the start of spring.

flower quote by Monet

may day coastal flowers

For my May Day ‘baskets’ I used discarded cigar containers…apparently, some cigars are sold in glass tubes similar to a test tube…who knew?  So, I took some discarded containers and repurposed them as May Day flower containers to leave as surprises :)  Who wouldn’t enjoy finding some fresh flowers on their doorknob?  Using fresh flowers, some scraps of ribbon, twine, sea glass, shells, and driftwood I created some pretty May Day surprises to hang on unsuspecting…insert suspicious laugh here…doorknobs.


May Day coastal flower

Flower quote from the Koran

May Day daisies

May Day daisies

flower quote

hanging May Day flowers

Pink flowers for May Day

pink  flowers for May Day

Emerson flower quote

a250endingFlower tubes 033

I hope this inspires you to come up with your own variation of this May Day tradition.  A fun way to celebrate spring and put a smile on someone’s face :)  Thank you for sharing this week’s Friday field trip…a trip back in history to celebrate May Day with flower surprises!

Giving flowers is a simple pleasure that can surely make a difference in someone’s day.

You only need a stem or two to let someone know they are thought of in a special way.

Thank you for visiting!  I will be busy the next couple days….you can follow my adventures on Instagram :)

Have a really wonderful weekend, Jackie

Sharing with Common Ground, Craftionary, Roses & Stuff, Shabby Nest, Coastal Charm, Little Red House, A Pinch of Joy, Mona’s Picturesque, and Nurture Photography Spring 2013.

20 comments » | garden, gift ideas

make the most of grocery store flowers


friday field trip

Today’s field trip is to the local Stop ‘n Shop to visit the floral department.  I want to show you how easy it is to utilize the florist at your local grocery store.  Why spend a lot at a traditional florist when you can buy flowers for giving at the grocery store for a more reasonable price.  An added perk is that many grocery stores, like Stop ‘n Shop, are open 24 hours!  You can pretty much buy a gift at any time of the day or night that fits into your schedule.

Use these five tips to make grocery store flowers work for you.

1.  STICK WITH THE SAME COLOR OR VARIETY OF FLOWER.  Instead of buying a bouquet that contains a mixture of colors and varieties of flowers, pick one color or one type of flower and stick with it.  You will get much better visual impact for your budget.

2.  CONSIDER A POTTED PLANT.  Very often, potted plants in season are less expensive than cut flowers and look much better/healthier.  Plus, the recipient has the added benefit of enjoying a permanent plant rather than a fleeting bouquet.  Some grocery stores even sell potted herbs – a nice departure from a traditional flower if the recipient happens to be a foodie!  Containers sold in the floral section are very reasonably priced and can be a great alternative to wrapping.

A potted plant is paired with a cute container that was priced at onlyl $4 in the Stop ‘n Shop floral department.

3.  USE YOUR OWN FLOURISHES.  I always use my own ribbon and tissue when preparing grocery store flowers for giving, rather than relying on the limited selection available at the grocery store.  The gift not only looks prettier, but using your own touches helps give your gift a personal flair.

I used two potted plants and a basket from the floral department for a cost of less than $20 (and less than the price of a dozen roses). I added my own tissue paper and ribbon to complete the look and add my own personal touch.

4.  MAKE THE MOST OF SPECIALS.  If roses are $25 and  a special on tulips makes them a quarter of the price…how much nicer to make a combined bouquet of four bunches of tulips!  A potted orchid on sale may be less than a bouquet and more appropriate for the recipient.  Be sure to check all the specials.

Shopping for cut flowers, two bunches of sunflowers on special were less than an assorted bouquet and provide much better visual appeal.

5.  SHOP FOR ADD-ONS.  With all the items available at the grocery store, there are many options available to you to add a little something to your gift, should the occasion or budget warrant it. What a great added feature of doing your flower shopping at the grocery store!   A gift of engagement flowers can include a wedding magazine or some chocolates…flowers to welcome a new baby can include a bib or pacifier…just hop over to the appropriate aisle.  At this time of year, a trip to the produce aisle can mean the purchase of a pumpkin to serve as a great seasonal container for your flowers.  Perfect to house Halloween or Thanksgiving flowers for giving. (I love the white ones!)  Grocery stores also sell gift certificates, so you can also easily tuck in a certificate for a cup of coffee or the latest music.

Whether you are shopping for yourself, or for a gift, remember these five tips when shopping for flowers in the grocery store.

Hope you enjoyed these tips for making the grocery store florist work for you.  Why not pick out some flowers for your own home?

All the photos in this post were taken in the floral department at Stop ‘n Shop.  Thanks for visiting, Jackie

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