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Tag: flowers

philadelphia flower show 2022


philly flower show fave

I have been to the Philadelphia Flower Show in years past.  Hailed as the world’s longest-running and largest indoor show in the country, it is hard for any flower lover not to visit at least once in their life!

The gazebo at fdr

But I have never been to the Philadelphia Flower Show since COVID.  And since COVID, there has been one huge change to the show – it moved outdoors from the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

pavillion orchids

Because of the change, I was especially excited to visit the show this year – my first with the outdoor venue.

orange at the pavillion

sky at fdr

The site for the show since COVID has been FDR Park – a 348-acre park located in South Philadelphia along the Delaware River.

orchids for days

The venue turned out to be really great – even though the day my daughter and I chose to attend was a 94-degree day!  Yes, it certainly was hot, but we found some nice breezes and some shady spots to rest.

orchids over water

The food and drink options were fabulous with many great seating areas available.  We chose to have a snack in the boat house which provided a shady spot with a picturesque view of the river.

pavillion at fdr

orchids philly flower show

Though I prefer white flowers over multi-colored and I am not particularly an orchid fan, the flower installation in the gazebo overlooking the river was my favorite!  A profusion of multi-colored flowers, predominately orchids, dazzled in the space.  The photos I share here are all from this installation.

roses at fdr

My daughter and I hadn’t been to Philadelphia in quite a few years and we had many stops on our list!  I am glad we included the flower show as one of our stops because it really was enjoyable – particularly because it was held outdoors.

pavillion orchid display

urn at FDR park

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

philly flower orchids

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

1 comment » | garden, style, travel

virgin garden


white cosmos

I love white flowers.

virgin garden collage

When I planned my current landscape, I planned for only white flower varieties.  June has been a fabulous month for me because all my new plants proved successful – everything I planted survived!  What a great feeling!

vintage watering can

Today I am sharing some of my favorite of the current blooms!  Look at the fabulous bloom on this  Little Henry!

Little Henry Collage

owl garden statue

If you notice a little bit of pink in the mix, that is a slip up from when I bought annuals marked as white before they were in bloom!

mermaid and flowers

virgin garden in bloom

I still have a couple of white varieties on my list that I haven’t been able to find!  Do you have any favorite white garden flower varieties to recommend?

birdbath collage

Thanks for stopping by!  It is wonderful gardening weather!  Have a fabulous weekend!

stone wall in hosta garden

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

1 comment » | garden, inspiration

study in pinks


treetops against the clouds

The weather in Connecticut has been really fabulous!  It is so refreshing to go for a walk when heavy coats or sweaters aren’t required!

pink dogwood tree

pink dogwood

When I do my workouts in the gym, I use music as a distraction – it almost feels like a type of meditation to focus solely on the music while pushing myself to perform.  Now that gyms are closed, I have had to find new and inventive ways to work out.  In addition to music, I find myself using nature to help meditate.  This past weekend, for one of my walks, I concentrated solely on pink flowers!  I tried to notice all the intricacies of every pink bloom I encountered!

pink trees against the clouds

pink petals

I find this is a great way to savor the beauty surrounding me and keeps my focus during a walk.

trees against the sun

single dogwood flower

Do you have anything special you do to help focus while exercising?

pink blooms

Thanks for stopping by!

tree blooms in pink

Have a fabulous holiday weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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saying goodbye to the garden


bird in the bush

I’m always surprised at this time of year when I walk out my back door and see some flowers!  I don’t really have plantings designed for fall bloom, so it definitely puts a smile on my face when I see something still alive in my yard in October!  (No, you won’t yet see any pumpkins!)

fern in october

For Friday field trip today, I am sharing my favorite stragglers – the plants that are still hanging on – on each side of the house.  At the back door view my favorite is definitely my tremendous fern – still going strong!  But, so is my parsley – look how healthy and beautiful it is mixed with some mums from BJs!

mums and parsley

In the back yard, the succulent mix I added to a vintage iron bicycle is still (almost) there – a few plants have died, but the mix still looks good (with no care whatsoever!)

last of the succulents

On my side yard, all the herbs are still growing!  I am most excited about the oregano because I have had occasions to use it the most in recent days!


And, in the front – is the only ‘color’ I have –

fall color
Why are these flowers not white?  I planted them the year I changed my door color to red maple!

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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open house at white flower farm 2018


hydrangeas at Whites Flower Farm

Yes, the day my friend and I planned on visiting White Flower Farm for their annual open house was a rainy day!  But, that did not stop us from attending!

barn at Whites

Garden Bench

We weren’t going to let the rain get in the way of our day off and the fabulous prospect of visiting one of our favorite garden centers in Connecticut!

white dogwood at White's Flower Farm

Flower bed at White's Flower Farm

The annual open house is a great time to pick up some discounted plants, tour the grounds, and enjoy some complementary refreshments!

rose trellis

Little Henry

I purchased one of these ‘Little Henry’s’ to plant in my own yard!

For today’s Friday field trip, enjoy a little glimpse of White’s during this year’s open house.  Enjoy!

white wildness at Whites

border with overhang at Whites

hydrangeas at Whites

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great weekend!

white lovin at Whites Flower Farm



side view of dogwood

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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The best part about visiting a botanical garden is knowing that every visit is unique. There are so many variables that contribute to creating the environment – ensuring that no two visits are ever the same! And, with 250 acres and over 1,000 plants, there is certainly plenty to admire! For Friday field trip today, we are visiting the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG). Spanning 250 acres and containing over 1,000 plants, there is certainly plenty to admire and each visitor to NYBG is sure to experience it in a different way. Here are a few of my favorite glimpses from a visit on a rainy day in August! Enjoy! Have a fabulous weekend! Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

The best part about visiting a botanical garden is knowing that every visit is unique.  There are so many variables that contribute to creating the environment – ensuring that no two visits are ever the same!  And, with 250 acres and over 1,000 plants, there is certainly plenty to admire!

NYBG herb garden

NYBG water lilly

For Friday field trip today, we are visiting the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG).  Spanning 250 acres and containing over 1,000 plants, there is certainly plenty to admire and each visitor to NYBG is sure to experience it in a different way.

NYBG hydrandgea

NYBG fern

Here are a few of my favorite glimpses from a visit on a rainy day in August!

NYBG bench

NYBG water garden


NYBG black eyed susans

NYBG rock garden waterfall

NYBG conservatory

Have a fabulous weekend!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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stop and smell the roses


yellow rose pleasure in simple things blog

Friday field trip today is a simple reminder to enjoy the flowers around you!  I am sharing a few photos of the beauty surrounding me.

 flowers pleasure in simple things blog

As the summer gardens are winding down,

pink rose pleasure in simple things blog
I am appreciating all the beauty they have to offer!

potting shed pleasure in simple things blog

Before you know it, I will be harvesting the last of my summer flowers and displaying them in pumpkins!

peony pleasure in simple things blog

I hope I have inspired you to take some time to notice summer growing!

Hydrangea pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks for stopping by!

fern on table pleasure in simple things blog

Have a wonderful weekend!

And, remember to take pleasure in simple things – like smelling a fresh flower! :)   xo Jackie

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may day surprises


flowers for May Day pleasure in simple things blog

I have done many different May Day surprises over the years. I love the element of surprise mixed with the beauty of fresh flowers – May Day combines these two elements perfectly!

Daffodils in a May Day Cone pleasure in simple things blog

This year, making my May Day arrangements, I decided I would only use the flowers I could harvest from my yard. This would have been an easy assignment in two more weeks or so, but when I went out into the yard today, I realized there are few flowers in bloom right now!

celebrating May Day with birch bark cone arrangements pleasure in simple things blog

I stuck to my challenge and used the only two flowers varieties I found in bloom. I arranged them in some plastic-lined, birch bark hanging cones I discovered for $2.75 each in the Terrain clearance room.

pleasure in simple things blog celebrates May Day

To add a little interest, I added some variegated Hosta leaves; picking the few that were just starting to poke through the ground! Even my Lillies of the Valley have yet to bloom!

I hope I have inspired you to create some May Day surprises of your own…what can you create from your yard?

May Day cones pleasure in simple things blogThank you for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

1 comment » | diy, garden, inspiration

easy plastic bottle vase


diy plastic flower vase pleasure in simple things

Did you ever need a large quantity of centerpieces for your outdoor party tables? An easy DIY is to create vases from plastic bottles and add a few garden or meadow flowers!

The only materials you need are some bottles from your recycling bin…they don’t even need to match…some flowers or greens, and some leftover Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and wax.

diy plastic flower vase pleasure in simple things

Flowers are great to add to any occasion…or, even to no occasion at all!  My choice for vases gets a little more casual when I entertain outdoors, because I don’t like the thought of breaking any of my favorites at an outdoor party. So, when the entertaining gets more relaxed, so do the vases.

I like using old tea tins or oatmeal tins for flowers when entertaining outdoors, but sometimes rummaging through the recycling bin can be inspiration for a DIY vase!

diy upcycled flower vase pleasure in simple things

A plastic bottle can easily be upgraded to a fun flower vase to use for flower centerpieces at an outdoor party…no worries about breakage and so easy to make up large quantities!

upscale plastic bottle vase pleasure in simple things

I like the leaf detail imprinted in the plastic on this plastic tea bottle and I happened to have a case of empty ones in my recycling bin…perfect for my project!

Queen Anne's Lace in a diy vase pleasure in simple things

I simply painted the bottles with Annie Sloan Old White Chalk Paint! One of the great things about this paint is that you can virtually cover any surface! I added a coat of clear wax to protect it and it is good to go! Because I wanted my pattern to stand out, I did add a little dark wax in the patterned areas of the plastic. The amount of materials for one vase is very minimal. If you don’t have leftover paint, you can purchase a small sample size and have plenty to create some vases!

easy diy flower vase from a plastic bottle pleasure in simple things

Not bad for a plastic throwaway, right?! And, no worries about it breaking. I just added some wildflowers that were growing as ‘weeds’ and tied a piece of twine on the neck of the bottle and my centerpieces are complete! Fresh herbs are also a great option in place of flowers…there is so much mint, basil, and parsley in the garden at this time of year and they all make a great (and fragrant) addition to a vase.

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at Sand & Sisal, Coastal Charm, and Crafts a la Mode.

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7 ways to use spring blooms


flower petals as garnish pleasure in simple things

Here in Connecticut, we had a loooooong winter and spring was very hesitant in getting started.  As a result, gardens were a little behind in blooming this year…the usual ‘planting on Mother’s Day’ was stalled big time!  So, when the spring blooms finally started to emerge, it created a sense of celebration like no other year I can remember!

Today, I am sharing my appreciation for the first blooms of the season.  Because, after all, the best part of gardening is appreciating the results!

Here are seven ways I used the first of my garden flowers.

As a garnish.

Pansies are a pretty garnish for a dessert.  I press petals from organic pansies overnight in a book and then wet them with water and add sugar.  (I  know egg whites are usually used for this, but they scare me a little, and I can usually get the sugar to adhere with just water.)

 To make a pretty ice cube.

flower petals in ice cubes pleasure in simple things

flower petals in ice cubes pleasure in simple things

I have always loved adding unexpected items to ice cubes…here, I added flower petals.  They look so pretty at a garden party, bridal shower, or brunch.  I am careful to use flowers that are safe and edible.

 Add to a placesetting.

flowers in a place setting pleasure in simple things

flowers in a place setting pleasure in simple things

What better way to add some springtime to a place setting than to adorn napkins with a bloom from the garden?  Even a tiny garden can spare a few stems for a spring table.

Give to a friend.

flowers to give away

Sharing flowers from the garden is always fun.  I had a neighbor that recently moved into a retirement facility.  I decided to grab some of the lilacs off the bush that bordered her yard when I last went to visit, intending to put them in one of her vases when I got there.  I casually wrapped them in some old sheet music to transport them, knowing the nostalgia would make her smile when she received them.  .

 Bring the garden indoors.

flowers around the house pleasure in simple things

flowers in the house pleasure in simple things

Arguably, the best way to use flowers from the garden is to put small vases everywhere in the house.  A taste of the garden in every room is a great way to experience the season.  Just a sprig or two of a bloom can add beauty and a scent to any corner!

Create an arrangement.

spring flowers in an arrangement pleasure in simple things

Creating an arrangement is a big statement in using garden flowers.  This was a quick and casual arrangement I put together with garden flowers and a clearance vase from Anthropologie for the refreshment table at a monthly garden club meeting…a great way to share my spring garden with friends who love flowers!

As an ingredient.

using spring herbs in the kitchen pleasure in simple things

Not exactly a flower, but the herbs from the garden have already been in use.  I have already made one dessert from some of the mint and, the basil has been utilized for appetizers as well as used as a garnish many times.

What are some ways you used your first flowers of the season?

Thanks for stopping by.  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at Sand & Sisal.

1 comment » | food & festivities, garden, inspiration

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