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Tag: feta cheese

3 best ways to serve watermelon


3 recipes included

1. plain & coooold

You really can’t beat a piece of cold watermelon in the summer, come on!  My family prefers it cold and all on its own.  I recently tried to serve it to them grilled and it didn’t go over at all.

2. with feta cheese

My favorite way to eat watermelon is with feta cheese…what a combination!  I like to make what I call watermelon salad.

This is when I combine watermelon with feta cheese.  I really love the taste of the two together.   Just combine 1 part feta to 3 parts watermelon.  It is delicious.  If you want to punch it up a little, you can add red pepper flakes, or add a drizzle with a little spice…

Watermelon salad

  • 3 cups seedless watermelon, cut in chunks
  • 1 cup feta cheese, crumbled
  • Black pepper (or use red pepper flakes if you don’t use the optional drizzle and want some punch)

I sometimes also add fresh basil (or a fresh herb on hand)

Optional Drizzle:

(I wish I could remember where I orignially got the recipe for this drizzle.  I think it was a recipe from a hotel, but I can’t remember which one..if anyone recognizes it, please let me know so I can give proper credit.)

  • 1 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 2 Tablespoons vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons thyme
  • 1 small shallot
  • 1 serrano chile
  • Season with salt

I have served this salad in a watermelon basket for a party.  On Memorial Day or 4th of July, cut the watermelon into star shapes with a cookie cutter to add a patriotic flair.  Watermelon stars can go on skewers to decorate your table.  A piece of watermelon and a piece of feta on a skewer make a great appetizer….they can be drizzled with the optional drizzle or you can provide drizzle in a little ramekin on the side.

A photo of cookie cutter watermelon pieces…a great way to add some fun to a watermelon salad!

3. in a drink

Watermelon is great as a drink component.  If you want a frozen drink, freeze chunks ahead to use in your blender.  The frozen chunks also make great ice cubes for wine.

I love it with citrus…like watermelon lemonade…try this recipe for a refreshing watermelon drink:

Watermelon lemonade

  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 8 cups cubed seedless watermelon
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 2 cups crushed ice

Blend all ingredients in a blender.

A photo of watermelon lemonade…a refreshing summer drink.

Enjoy your watermelon :)  Thanks for visiting, Jackie

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