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Tag: fall

fall at the beach


hand holding shell

Fall is not just about pretty leaves.  Nature provides the season with so much more…

Here in Connecticut, the fall brings a special kind of serenity to the beach…our destination for today’s Friday field trip.

life guard chair at beach

fall at the beach seagull

The frenzy of summer activity has disappeared and the shore has taken on a calm that enhances its beauty.

shell at beach in fall

All is quiet except for the occasional squawk of a gull and the subtle sound of the waves licking the shore.

fall at the beach

dusk at the beach in fall

I hope you enjoyed sharing these photos …If you live near the beach, make it a point to stop by for a fall visit. :)

Thanks so much for joining me for Friday field trip.

Have a wonderful weekend enjoying the beauty of the season,  Jackie

3 comments » | field trips, sand & sea

isn’t gardening a spring sport?


fall garden

I think of gardening as a spring sport since I spend the most time on my gardens during the spring. 

This certainly isn’t the case for my friend Wendy.  And, it was strongly apparent when I stopped over to visit her on a recent evening. .. Her yard looked so beautiful that I have to share it with you for this week’s Friday field trip!

photos from a fall garden

It is not that her yard doesn’t always look beautiful…believe me, it does!  But, I was amazed at all the seasonal touches she had already added to her gardens for the fall. 

fall garden

fall garden

purple hydrangea

photo of primrose

She has one of those yards that is like a park…so many different areas to admire.  I couldn’t possibly show you everything in one post, but I will share some of my favorite spots that may just inspire you to put out some seasonal touches in your own garden.  (Check my facebook page this weekend for some additional photos of this wonderful space.)

a fall garden

fall garden

photo of sedum


I hope you enjoyed our garden visit for Friday field trip…thanks Wendy!   We will have to make another trip in the spring…there is so much to see!

late summer garden

Thank you for stopping by. 

late summer garden

vintage watering cans

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing with Craftberry Bush.

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easy caramel corn


This time of year is a natural for popcorn.  Caramel corn?  Even better!  Very seasonal and very yummy. For a long time I was intimidated just thinking of trying to make it.  Plus, all the recipes always called for popping popcorn the old fashioned way – on the stove.  These days, I would never think of doing that – it creates such a mess!  Microwave popcorn is so much easier and neater!  So, I would like to share the instructions for making this delicious treat using the ‘conventional’  bag of microwave popcorn!

I love it because I always have the few ingredients needed to make it in my house, so if I decide to turn the usual popcorn up a notch…I am ready!  Of course, you wouldn’t want to buy a butter flavored popcorn…pick something unflavored or, a natural flavor.  I buy the grocery store brand  organic ‘natural’ flavor.  It has a little salt in it, but that’s it.  I don’t add any salt of my own since I don’t normally use much salt.  You may decide you want to add some.

One batch (or 3 oz. microwave bag) fits great on a cookie sheet, so if you decide to make more than one batch, just plan for one cookie sheet per bag.  You might fit two bags on one sheet if you have a really large baking sheet.

This is a great snack for the sports fans in the house…a sweet departure from the usual nachos while watching the big game.  If you are making this for the kids,  you can toss in peanuts (aka Cracker Jacks) and/or candy corn as fun additions.

Because I planned on serving this batch of the caramel corn I made to ‘the guys’, I got a little ‘corny’ (pun intended) with the presentation and served it in a tin that announced it as “the best ever caramel corn.”

A photo of caramel corn made using microwave popcorn and served in a chalkboard tin.

Tins are a great way to store and present the caramel corn.  This tin was spray painted completely with chalkboard spray paint – making it easy to change up the message, depending on its use.  An easy way to repurpose an ugly tin!  This one has been used many times over and will later serve as storage for holiday treats and  be adorned with some fun red and green chalk.

Easy Caramel Corn Recipe

  • 3 oz. bag of microwave popcorn, popped  (I use the natural flavor – it just has a little bit of salt)
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons light corn syrup
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Heat oven to 300 degrees.

In a medium saucepan, combine the butter, sugar, and corn syrup.  Cooking over medium heat, stir constantly until the mixture bubbles and lightens in color, 4 or 5 minutes.

Remove from heat.  Stir in the vanilla.

Pour over the cooked, cooled popcorn in a large bowl and toss to coat with a rubber spatula.

Spread the popcorn mixture on a lipped baking sheet and bake 30 to 35 minutes, when the color will deepen, tossing once halfway through cooking time.

Remove from oven and toss before letting cool on the baking sheet.  Wait until completely cool to serve.

Store in a tin or other airtight container at room temperature.  You can keep it for up to a week…if it lasts that long!

Hope you enjoy this easy caramel corn recipe.  You might want to spray paint a tin of your own to store it in…you can later use it for holiday cookies!

Thanks for visiting, Jackie

5 comments » | food & festivities

cheese & herb fondue in a pumpkin


I love using pumpkins for serving containers and flower vases at this time of year.  When I saw this idea about cooking a fondue in the oven right inside a pumpkin, I thought it was great!  I soon found out that it also tastes great!  I’d like to share the recipe…a great one for seasonal entertaining.  A great appetizer or first course served right from the pumpkin!  Here is the recipe I used, taken from one published by the Fig Cooking School in New Haven, CT.


  • 1/4 cup chopped shallots
  • 1/4 pound stale bread, cut into small cubes
  • 1/4 pound cheese, such as gruyere, emmentahal, cheddar, smoked gouda, asiago, parmesan, or any combination, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
  • 3 cloves of garlic pressed or minced
  • 1/4 cup fresh scallions, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons or more of fresh herbs (i.e., parsley, rosemary, thyme)
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 sugar or Cinderella pumpkin, weighing about 3 pounds
  • 1/3 up or more of heavy cream


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Sautee shallots until they are crispy and set aside.
  3. Combine chunks of bread and cheese along with cranberries.  Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Add shallots to the bread and cheese mixture.  Combine well.
  5. Add any herbs you choose, along with the scallions and the garlic.  Toss well.
  6. Using a very sturdy knife, cut off the cap of the pumpkin, just as you would a jack-o-lantern.
  7. Scoop out the stringy pumpkin and the seeds and generously salt the inside of the pumpkin.
  8. Pack the filling tightly into the pumpkin (there shouldn’t be any air pockets.)
  9. Pour in cream until the bread mixture is moistened and there is a bit of liquid on top (do not have the bread “swimming” in heavy cream).
  10. Put the cap back on and bake until the ingredients are bubbling and the meat of the pumpkin is tender enough to be pierced with a fork.  Do not let it burn; the pumpkin will turn black and collapse as it cools.


A photo of the fondue prepared and put inside the pumpkin – ready for the oven.

Place a large spatula under your creation and move it gently to a beautiful platter.

Serve as a side dish or an appetizer on small plates.

A photo of the completed fondue from the oven – ready to serve on small plates.


I hope you enjoy this creamy pumpkin fondue at one of your seasonal gatherings!

Thanks for visiting, Jackie

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easy candy table favors


friday field trip

Don’t you LOVE that section in Target where everything is a dollar?  I can’t walk into the store without stopping to look at everything in that section…I always end up picking up something I have to have!  It is only a dollar, after all!  This trip, I was on a mission to find an item in the dollar section that I can use as a favor to hold candy.  When the college kids are home, it is always fun to include a favor on the table for family dinners.  Candy is a natural with the kids (of all ages) and at this time of year it seems a little more legitimate!  There were quite a few possibilities when I started rummaging through the shelves.  (You can check out a few more of the options on my facebook page .)

But, when I came across these zippered burlap ‘pencil cases’, I knew they were perfect!  Plenty of room for candy and very seasonal!

Here is what I did to dress up my $1. find!

First, I decided I wanted to add the word ‘boo’ in black letters.  A personalization or the word ‘treat’ were also options I considered.  I also toyed with the idea of glow-in-the-dark paint, but decided I liked the stronger contrast of the black against the burlap.  I simply stenciled the three letters onto the bag using cardboard stencils and black acrylic paint.  (Slipping a piece of cardboard in the case to protect the other side in the event paint should bleed through.)



I cut a length of ribbon and tied it to the zipper pull.  I chose a black grosgrain with white polka dots.

And, that’s it!!  Great favor for a dollar, don’t you think?  And, plenty of room to fill with candy!  (Oh…I did buy rubber spiders at Target also…they were 4 for a $1!  Love the white polka dots on this one!)

A photograph of a favor for a seasonal table made from an item purchased from the Target $1. section.



Hope you have some fun creating seasonal table favors from Target’s $1. section –  great for those with a sweet tooth ;)

Thanks for visiting, Jackie

5 comments » | diy

homage to fall with velvet pumpkins


One of my recent visits to Terrain created an intense love for velvet pumpkins…definitely love at first sight!  O.M.G., why have I never seen these before!  The display in the store was just breathtaking…how incredibly beautiful!  As much as I hate leaving summer, I now have a wonderful reason to celebrate fall…velvet pumpkins!!  So, I spent the first night of fall staying up into the wee hours of the night making velvet pumpkins…they are addicting!!

Here I present my homage to the new season, using my new creations…enjoy!

Because so many have asked, I am going to put together a tutorial (another late night!) on creating these beauties and I will post it tomorrow…if you want to try your hand at making them, check in tomorrow for the instructions.








The pumpkins I saw in Terrain, that created such a stir in my heart, can be purchased in an unreal assortment of colors, on this website:  To shop Terrain online:

Hope you enjoyed my velvet pumpkins!  Remember, if you want to give them a try, check in tomorrow for “how-to” instructions.  Thanks for visiting, Jackie

7 comments » | style

first day of fall


Happy Fall!  Thanks for visiting, Jackie

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