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Tag: fall fashion

thoughts on fall fashion 2016



I started to organize my fall wardrobe this past week.  For Friday field trip today, I am sharing a few of my ‘closet’ thoughts.

For this fall, I have a favorite trend.  I am loving exposed shoulders.  (These trendy cutouts are great for all ages since undergarments can still be worn.)  One great dress and one neutral sweater with cutout shoulders are plenty to embrace this continuing trend and stay current with fall!

pizza-shirt-pleasure-in-simple-things-blogAnother fashion favorite for the new season  – and guilty pleasure – is a message tee.  There are so many great ones out there and one t-shirt for weekend wear is a fun and inexpensive way to change things up for the season!  Think ‘powered by caffeine’ or maybe a witty saying exposing your candidate pick this election year, or a tee in support of breast cancer awareness coming up in October.  I love this ‘body by pizza’ tee that I found at Target.  I don’t usually wear tees, but I like to wear one while I do my outdoor painting or projects in the fall, and purchasing a new t-shirt for the season doesn’t break the bank!

cut out sweater for fall

This photo came from The Limited’s website.

Been there, done that.  Sometimes, enough is enough.  When a trend lasts for years, it gets old.  Remember how the chevron pattern was beat into the ground?  I am currently feeling this way about fringe and tassels.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a good tassel, but I have been embracing this trend for a few years now…time to move on!   Although I will be wearing some of last year’s embellished purchases, I will not be buying any more clothing or accessories with fringe or tassels this fall season!

As always, fashion trends are about what works for you.  I know I will not be purchasing a puffer jacket or wearing statement chokers this season, but this long-limbed gal is loving the extra-long sleeve trend!  And, although I may not purchase velvet clothing this season, I may incorporate this trend into my home décor.

I hope you are inspired to pick one or two trends you love this season and use them to update your fall wardrobe…what are you embracing for the new season?

Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend.  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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