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Tag: DIY tic-tac-toe

diy tic-tac-toe


sand and sea diy

Now that we are well into November, are you starting to think of Christmas?  I have tried to cut back on my holiday shopping and this seems a common way of thinking among my friends as well.

I think it is far better to give experiences rather than material presents and I am trying really hard to keep that guideline in my mind as the holidays approach!

tic-tac-toe on the beach

That being said, there is nothing like a little homemade gift to surprise a little one come the holiday!  And, a homemade gift can definitely help create an experience as well!

Today’s DIY project is the perfect example!  It is super easy to make and it can be used to create a fun experience to give a child – how to play tic-tac-toe!

supplies for homemade game

The only supplies you will need are:  a small muslin bag (mine is being reused from a jewelry purchase), embroidery thread or baker’s twine, a sewing needle, and a handful of small items.  I used sea glass for my small items but you can use pebbles, shells, buttons, or small candies like m&ms…be creative and use what you have!  I made my DIY tic-tac-toe for no cost at all!

travel tic-tac-toe diy

I used brown and white baker’s twine to sew a tic-tac-toe board onto the muslin bag.  Then, I just collected a handful of sea glass in two different colors to use as the playing pieces.  The pieces are handily stored inside the bag when not in use.

collecting sea glass for diy

How easy is that!  I hope I inspired you to create a DIY tic-tac-toe game to gift to that perfect little someone this Christmas – personal instruction included!

diy tic tac toe on the beach

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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