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Tag: decoupage

decoupaged double clam shells


nest double clam shell

You’ve seen me decoupage many a shell!  Oyster shells are definitely my favorite to make, but scallop and clam are fun to do as well!  And, since it is Easter week, I do have a bunny in the mix!

bunny double shell

The procedure is the same as the one I gave you for the oyster shells.  (Click here if you need the instructions.)

boat double clam

The only difference here is that I used clam shells and I used those that still had the two sides attached.   I decoupaged both sides, being extra careful so as not to break them apart.

nests and eggs double clam

If you haven’t yet tried to decoupage a shell, I hope I have inspired you to try!

holding open clam shell

Thanks for stopping by!

nest shell double

Have a fabulous Easter weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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