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Tag: dahlia

dahlias at white flower farm


single dahlia in the rain

Garden relatives to the sunflower, chrysanthemum and zinnia, dahlias are really gorgeous perennials!

pink dahlia

They are native to warmer climates – Mexico and Central America.  To keep them blooming here, the tubers need to be dug up in the fall, stored over the winter, and then planted again the following spring.  (If they were in their native warm climate, they would re-sprout from their underground tubers to bloom each year.)

dahlias at white flower farm

The idea of digging up the tubers every year has kept me from planting any in my own garden.  There are just so many beautiful flowers to choose from – why choose one that requires so much work!  I just don’t want to add another thing to my fall garden ‘to do’ list!

orange dahlia

dahila cluster

But, seeing the gorgeous dahlia display at White Flower Farm this year, I have to say I thought twice about changing my mind about planting some dahlias!

drooping dahlia

I visited the flower farm when the blooms were at peak and it was a drizzly day.  I always love a garden on a rainy day – the colors are so much more impactful than on a sunny day!

colorful dahlias in the rain

Maybe a visit each fall to see the display at White Flower Farm can be even to satisfy my dahlia craving!

dahlia in shades of pink

beautiful dahlia

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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