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Tag: Conor Grennan

monthly book giveaway for june!


author conor grennanphotos of author Conor Grennan

Congratulations to May’s winners Lenny, Angela, and Betty!  You will each receive a signed copy of last month’s selection  A Diary of Healing, My Intense and Meaningful Life with Cancer  written by Mary Ann Wasil.  I know you will enjoy this heartfelt memoir.

Now, on to June’s selection.  Since it is the last day of the month, this week’s Friday field trip will be to visit the author of June’s giveaway book… 

I meet a lot of authors.  And, once in a while I have an admiration for an author apart from an appreciation for his/her writing.  This month’s author is one of those cases.  His name is Conor Grennan and he is from my home state of Connecticut and a NY Times bestselling author. 

photo of the book Little PrincesI got the opportunity to talk with Conor on several occasions when his book Little Princes:  One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal was chosen as a town read selection in a nearby town.  He not only made an appearance at the town library, but also talked with the town in a couple of Skype sessions.   In my estimation, when a town chooses an author’s book for a town read, the author can’t help but develop a special bond with the readers.  The entire town, after all, is embracing his/her labor of love!  I am not sure if that was the reason for my immediate admiration for Conor or if it was his genuine nature and old-school values.  In any case, I liked him instantly.  He also has a wonderful sense of humor for the everyday, which you may know if you have read his posts on Huffington Post or follow him on Facebook.

At 29 years old, Conor Grennan decided to spend a year traveling the world, beginning with three months as a volunteer at an orphanage in Nepal.  After arriving at the orphanage, Conor soon discovers that the children are not orphans, but had been taken from their families by child traffickers.  And what starts as a volunteer assignment to help legitimize a trip traveling the world turns into an experience that shapes Conor’s life…as well as the lives of the families he reunites.

Little Princes is a true-life story documenting Conor’s experience and demonstrates how one man can truly make a difference.  It is a remarkably inspirational memoir that is sure to captivate.  A signed copy of the book will be given away randomly at the end of the month.  Just leave a comment to win!  Good luck!

Thank you so much for visiting!

Have a fabulous weekend, Jackie   Instagram users, please read on…

In an attempt to promote some sharing on Instagram, I am posting prompts for each month…share one day or every day!  Just add #pleasuregram:) to your photo!  I put the :) on the end to be sure our hashtag is totally unique!  Have fun with it!  Here are the June prompts:

June prompts for pleasuregrams:)

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