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Tag: colors

coastal nail colors


kayak at beach

This is an unusual Friday field trip.  It is a trip to the beach…we all need that right about now, don’t you think?  I know, a Friday field trip to the beach is not that unusual…especially for me.  But, the reason for the trip to the beach is a little unusual…the reason is to create a nail polish collection!

I have always wanted to create a nail polish collection and I have been inspired to do so from so many sources…I could create an entire collection just from the colors of my sea glass or, an entire collection of neutrals just from the white flowers in my garden.!  And, there definitely is plenty of color inspiration at the beach…many more colors than I wanted for just one collection.  I decided the collection would be six shades…the top six…and these shades would be the ones I most wanted to wear.    A versatile collection and, a realistic one.  Cutting it down to six was not easy!  This meant I had to eliminate watermelon slushie, beach donuts, gull, lavender sea glass, and ragosa – to name a few.

Connecticut coast photo

color of clouds

I think a beach collection has to contain some blue…there is so much blue at the beach.  Rather than go with the obvious…water…I decided to get inspired by the sky.

The beauty of the sky at the beach is that it is always changing.  Sometimes, when the weather is the most severe, the sky is the most beautiful.  A clear sunny day may be what a beach lover craves, but it certainly is not the most beautiful sky at the shore.  This photo illustrates this point perfectly… a clear, sunny day would not be as beautiful as the sky I captured  in this photo on a very cloudy day.  Because of this, the blue shade inspired from the sky is named cloud.

a photo of the water meeting the shore

color of a beach stone

Neutral colors are definitely my favorites and there are plenty to choose from at the beach.  Just as beautiful as a shell or a piece of sea glass, are the many stones at the beach.  They are sometimes speckled or striped…some are the most beautiful when wet with salt water.  The color inspired by one of these beauties is called beach stone.

photo of a beach house

color of a beach fence

Old whitewashed fences and posts are everywhere at the beach.  The old ones have so much more charm than anything new.  The age of the shore is part of the beauty contained in the wood.  This is the inspiration for the third color called old fence.

photo of sunglasses on the beach

color of sunglass reflection

Not all the color inspirations at the beach are natural objects…a beach umbrella, a horse on the carousel, or a striped beach towel can all prove to be color inspirations.  Here, I am inspired by the color of my sunglass lenses and I am naming this color reflection.


color of the inside of a shell

An obvious choice for color inspiration is a shell.  The subtleties of color on some of the shells (both interiors and exteriors) on the beach are just so beautiful. Here it is the blush of mauve.  I’ve named the color shell.

photo of wet footprints at the beach

color of wet footprints at the beach

For the last color, it really needed to be a gray tone to round out the collection.  And gray is an easy color to come by at the beach.  For this shade, I was inspired by the wet footprints on the sun-bleached wooden path and named it footprint.  That makes six…

I present to you, the entire CONNECTICUT COAST NAIL COLOR COLLECTION 2013:

coastal nail polish collection

What do you think?  I would wear all of them!

I hope you enjoyed our Friday field trip to the beach to create a fantasy nail polish collection.

Dreaming of warm days and salty breezes :)

Thanks so much for visiting.  Have a wonderful weekend, Jackie

I am sharing at Boogieboard Cottage,  A Pinch of Joy, and Little Red House.

4 comments » | field trips, sand & sea

beach colors in january


What are “beach colors” to you?  Beige and blue?

Friday field trip this week is to the beach at sunset to explore January’s beach colors.

Not yet cleaned up after Hurricane Sandy, technically the beach I am visiting has been closed since the storm.  That, coupled with the fact that the temperature is in the single digits here in Connecticut, I wonder why I chose to make this a field trip!  Largely because of the frigid weather, my trip to the beach is a short one.

My stay is not more than twenty minutes long, but as always, I am not disappointed by the display of colors.  I don’t get as many opportunities to view the sunsets at the beach in the winter months since they occur during work hours…my sunset viewing usually limited to the weekends…until the days get longer anyway.

So, what do you think of as the colors of the beach?  Would these colors come to mind?

How about these?

Maybe not so much?

The photos I am sharing today were all taken at the same beach on the same visit and within a 20 minute time period.  I did not alter anything on any of the photos (not that I would know how to if I wanted to lol.)

colors of the beach in winter

Isn’t nature amazing?

winter beach colors

Can you tell one of my fantasies is to create a paint line lol?  I also dream about creating a collection of nailpolish colors with cute, cheeky names, but that’s for another day…

winter beach colors

I think showing swatches of some of the colors I saw on my beach visit is the best way to illustrate the amazing display and range of colors I witnessed on this frigid visit…I think it was even too cold for the seagulls!

winter beach colors

So beautiful!


winter beach colors


winter beach colors

I hope you enjoyed the amazing collection of colors from a winter day at the beach…especially those of you that may be landlocked.

Have an amazing weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things…beauty is all around us!

Thanks for visiting,  Jackie

I am sharing this post at Mosiac Monday at Little Red House.

6 comments » | field trips, sand & sea

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