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Tag: coastal CT

beach walk


clouds at beach

With the virus causing so many places to be shut down here in Fairfield County, I feel lucky that our town beaches have remained open for residents.  A walk on the beach can sure make a bad day seem a whole lot better!

My beach walk today is to do a little scavenging for my next craft project.  Can you guess what it is?

2 shells on beach

Did you guess what it was I was collecting?  If you guessed shells, you were correct!  The type of shell, specifically?  Oyster!   Although I did find some small ones, I didn’t find any of the really large ones I had hoped for!

Luckily, one of my friends is very close with a family in Connecticut who have been oystermen since the 1940s (fourth generation) and operate one of the last standing traditional oyster farms in the United States.  Because of this, I was able to score some really choice, large oyster shells that are perfect for my project!

Maybe you didn’t realize Connecticut was a big oyster state?  The Connecticut shoreline actually has more tributary rivers per linear mile of coastline than any other region in the country and this unique geographical characteristic creates the most ideal environment for oysters to thrive.

shells and sky

I haven’t made anything from oyster shells for a while.  You may remember the oyster shell place cards I posted a while back?  Click here to see.

There is a current craze to decoupage oyster shells in blue and white chinoiserie.  Everything I’ve seen has been blue and white.  So, I am totally motivated to create some decoupaged oyster shells in some different color palettes.  So, since I have had enough of making Christmas ornaments in April, I am moving on to decoupaged oyster shells!  Of course, I could easily convert these oyster shell pieces into Christmas ornaments! ;)

many shells

Stop back next week to see my creations and get full instructions to make your own!

I hope these photos may have inspired you to take a walk somewhere picturesque near you!

Thanks for stopping by!

Take pleasure in simple things and stay healthy, Jackie

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visiting bass pro in ct


Fish Bowl bowling alley at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things blog

The destination for today’s Friday field trip may seem an unusual choice, but if you consider how much I love a good theme, it makes perfect sense.

We are visiting a place where an outdoor sportsman theme is running in overdrive – Bass Pro Shop.

crosswalk at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things blog

The crosswalk leading into Bass Pro Shop in Bridgeport, CT

Growing up, I was exposed to hunting, fishing, camping, and a variety of outdoor sports at a young age because my dad was a big sportsman and lover of the outdoors. And, I certainly am no stranger to boat shows. It seemed natural I would want to check out the new Bass Pro store where they specialize in all these areas.

buoy decor at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things blog

looking up at Bass Pro Shop pleasure in simple things blog

But, once I got there, it was not the merchandise that grabbed my attention, but rather, the décor surrounding the merchandise – the place is like Disney for the outdoorsy set.

light fixtures at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things blog

One of my favorite details at the Bass Pro in Connecticut are the hand painted light fixtures on the second floor.

In Fish Bowl Bowling Alley and Uncle Buck’s Grill, there is dramatic lighting and plenty of props to help simulate an under-the-sea ambiance. Details like a school of fish above the bar and alligator eyes painted on bowling balls are sure to grab attention. I’m pretty sure any kid would gladly trade some of his toys or give away Halloween candy (that’s serious biz) for a chance to bowl in the Fish Bowl bowling alley!

octopus bowl return Fish Bowl bowling alley pleasure in simple things blog

Bar at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things blog

The store is worth checking out, even if you aren’t currently in the market for a fishing pole or a firearm! I guess many others think so too since people are traveling great distances to visit. The Bass Pro Shop in Bridgeport is only the second store in New England and the first in Connecticut. It is a great spot to stop and check out if you are driving along the Connecticut coast because it is super easy to access off I95.

shark at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things blog

Dad, if you are listening; I sure wish you could have seen this place!  And, they even sell live bait!

decor at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things

Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend.

exit sign at Bass Pro pleasure in simple things blog

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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a little place on the water


exterior house pleasure in simple things blog

Okay, I didn’t get this past weekend off and I am working three jobs this week, but I did get to spend Christmas Day with the people that matter the most to me and it was pretty darn special. I hope your day was as wonderful as mine!

inside the beach house pleasure in simple things blog

sitting out with a waterview pleasure in simple things blog

Because Friday will be the month’s book giveaway, I am sharing a quick field trip today…a few photos I took of a little getaway by the water I was lucky enough to visit…this is a detached family room that is pure heaven! Yes, please. I’ll take one! This is the type of place my dreams are made of!

room with a view pleasure in simple things blog

Enjoy the photos and enjoy the end of 2015 and ushering in 2016!

waterview in CT pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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