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Tag: chenille pumpkins

making chenille pumpkins


chenille in the hand...

Now that it is October, I guess I can get really serious about my pumpkin making!  You know I love making velvet pumpkins with real pumpkin stems at this time of year.

chenille pumpkin from a bedspread

Although I love making pumpkins of velvet, in addition, each year I enjoy experimenting with a new, different fabric for pumpkins.  Remember last year I tried some cashmere?

chenille pumpkins with more fab stems

Well, this year my experiment is becoming an obsession!  And you thought my obsession was about stems!  Well, it is about stems – it’s always about stems lol!

chenille in neutrals

But, the new fabric obsession has become repurposing a vintage material – chenille!  It turned out to be convenient timing that cleaning out my linen closet happened at the start of fall.  I couldn’t bear to throw out a vintage chenille spread that, in the past, has adorned both the bed of my grandmother and of my daughter.  I decided to repurpose the spread into pumpkins…with real stems, of course!

white and pink chenille pumpkin

closeup of chenille

I hope these photos help inspire you to create some pumpkins from a repurposed material – like a treasured keepsake!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

pretty pink chenille pumpkin

Remember to take pleasure in simple things,  Jackie

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