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Tag: Chateau Grey

bathroom vanity annie sloan redo


bunny pleasure in simple things blog

My friend Wendy recently decided she needed a change for her bathroom vanity and asked me if I would like to paint it. Of course, I jumped at the chance! She had looked at the Annie Sloan chalk paint colors and thought she would like Chateau Grey.

annie sloan bathroom vanity redo pleasure in simple things blog

Chateau Grey was one of the few colors I hadn’t yet used for a painting project and I was eager to paint with it. The green tones in the paint were perfect for the accessories Wendy had in her bathroom and I knew she made the perfect choice in paint color.

The vanity was wood and very dark. We both knew that the chalk paint would lighten up the entire look of the room.  The great part about painting the piece was that it would highlight some of the detail that really went unnoticed.

distressing detail on vanity pleasure in simple things blog

I started by painting the piece with two coats of Chateau Grey. Over that, I applied a wash of approximately 50/50 water and Annie Sloan Country Grey by painting, then wiping with a soft, clean cloth. I like adding a wash over a solid paint color because it gives more dimension to the paint.

detail annie sloan chateu grey redo pleasure in simple things blog

Next, I added a coat of clear wax. Then, I gave the piece a light distressing before adding some dark wax. After the piece was completed, I added an extra coat of clear wax to the top of the piece since it is in the bathroom and I wanted to give the top a little added protection.

annie sloan chateau grey redo pleasure in simple things blog

Wendy decided to keep the original hardware on the vanity and it looked great on the finished piece. She did change out the faucet in her sink.

a new faucet on vanity redo pleasure in simple things

The before faucet is pictured in the photo on the lower right. You can see the difference switching out the faucet made to the overall look of the vanity. The strawberry water? Well, that is one of the perks of doing a job for a friend!

The little decorating touches and glimpse of Easter Wendy added to the room made it just perfect!

finished Chateau grey bathroom vanity pleasure in simple things blog

The only thing better than helping a friend with a painting project? Helping a friend with a painting project that involves a family heirloom! That is the case with the next project I have almost completed and will be sharing soon!

yellow roses pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks so much for stopping by. Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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