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Tag: Calm

november book giveaway!


inside of calm book

Preparing for the holidays is usually the opposite of calm, right?  This whole time of year causes so many people stress.  So, I thought the perfect book to give away for November is one called Calm:  Calm the Mind, Change the World by Michael Acton Smith.

calm your mind journal

Using a combination of creative prompts, activities, and motivations, Calm will open your eyes to the pleasure and richness of everyday life.  Discover how to take back a little bit of peace, space, and all-important time for yourself.

You can pick up Calm whenever you need it during the holidays…an inspirational and practical book with a wonderful Origami surprise at the end!

inside the calm book

Leave a comment to let me know you’d like to win.  The winner will be chosen at random at the end of November from the comments left during the month.

The pink velvet pumpkins for the October giveaway are going out to Lisette.  Click here for more information on that giveaway.  Congrats Lisette…I know you really wanted those pink pumpkins!  Please email me the address where you’d like me to send them. Enjoy!

Instagram users, please read on!  This month, the Instagram challenge is to post photos showing how you achieve your calm.  It can be a place…a person…whatever creates your calm.  Use the hashtag #pleasuregram to share.

calm instagram challenge nov 2018

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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