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Tag: California

boba addiction


strawberry jasmine tea fresca

Starch balls made from a cassava/yucca shrub!  Yes, that is what boba is and tea drinks made from these balls are my current addiction!

You have seen me post about bubble tea before.  But, in California, it is available everywhere and I was able to consume it daily on my visit!

The term boba references the entire drink-plus-toppings, the most popular topping being tapioca pearls (which also happen to be called boba).  The drink as a whole is also known as bubble tea.

drinking Boba Guys

Boba — the drink in its entirety originates from Taiwan.  Originally, boba pearls were used in shaved ice desserts and paired with syrups, beans, and rice balls.  Milk tea was also consumed regularly and thankfully, someone decided to merge the two, creating the wonderfully delicious drink I happen to adore!

Boba culture made its way to America through Taiwanese neighborhoods and blossomed near college campuses and high schools, where students would gather for study groups.  Probably the strong Asian influence is the reason the drink is so much more popular in California than here on the East Coast.

waiting in line at Boba Guys

Boba is the quintessential topping at any tea parlor. Once these balls of cassava root are rolled into bite size bunches, they’re boiled and flavored, often with brown sugar or honey.  The result is a subtly sweet, chewy addition to a tea drink.  If you’re trying milk tea for the first time, I’d definitely recommend going classic and adding boba – the best part of the drink!

seasonal menu at Boba Guys

To make it even more confusing – my favorite milk tea drink during the time I was in California contained no milk at all!  My favorite drink was strawberry jasmine tea fresca…so yummy!  And, I got this at my favorite place to get boba – Boba Guys!   The line at Boba Guys was typically down the street – for good reason!  Be sure to visit if you happen to be on the West Coast!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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visiting the redwoods


Big Basin Park

If I had to pick a theme for 2019, it could easily be Exploring California!  You may recall I visited Southern California earlier this year and I was excited to share some of my adventures with you.  More recently, I visited Northern California for the first time and I am even more excited to share some of my more current California adventures!


looking through the redwoods

The Northern part of the glorious state of California sure has some super cool places to visit!  One of these is the Big Basin Redwoods State Park and I had the opportunity to visit it with my two favorite people!  Established in 1902, Big Basin is California’s oldest state park and is home to the largest span of old-growth Redwoods south of San Francisco.

Fallen Redwood tree

Redwood trees are such an amazing part of nature.  The trail we walked in the park passed by some of the biggest redwood trees in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  The tallest tree in Big Basin was 329 feet – until the top broke off in a storm reducing its height to 293 feet – still tall by any standard!

in the redwoods

Not only are the trees unreal in height, but how crazy is it to think a tree is 2,000 years old!  Awesome!

tree skin

redwood forest

In addition to witnessing these redwood beauties, we were determined to witness a banana slug in its natural environment.  This bright yellow slug is native to the forest floors along North America’s Pacific coastal coniferous rainforest belt (including redwood forests) which stretches from southeastern Alaska to Santa Cruz, California.

the tree is taller

As luck would have it – success!  We spotted one on our way out of the park!

banana slug in Big Basin

Thanks for stopping by!  Have an awesome week!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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venice beach


Venice sign

I have one more beach to share from my last California trip!

beach in Venice

Venice beach – a ‘must stop’ when visiting southern California.  It is the iconic ‘muscle beach.’  The muscle beach part doesn’t really impress me…although, the guy this tribute was created for is iconic in my book!  The first one to really embrace the fitness craze!  You may not even know who he is, but generations ago he had a fitness show on television.  He was to fitness what Julia Child was to cooking!

Legend in Venice

Dreaming of beaches has been a big past time lately since, here in Connecticut, we finally have some warm weather!

Palm trees in Venice

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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mission san juan capistrano


bells at the Mission

A cool place to visit when in Southern California is the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano.

doorway at Mission

flowers at Mission

Founded in 1776 and located in San Juan Capistrano, it is home to Orange County’s first buildings.

lone palm at Mission

mission arch

Though not functioning as a mission today, the ruin remains the cultural heart of its community.

mission landscape

plant covered archways at Mission

Even more than the history, the esthetics of the ruins are so inspiring!  I’m wanting to pick one of the photos I took and use it to create some wallpaper!

stone and brick at Mission

stone colunns at Mission

Thanks for stopping by!

stone detail at Mission

stones at Mission

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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hollywood swingin’


Sinatra at Chinese Theatre

I guess everyone needs to make a quick swing by the Chinese Theatre movie palace when in Hollywood!  After all, it is the most sought-after theatre in Hollywood for studio premieres!  And, the Hollywood Walk of Fame is right there!

I wasn’t interested in looking at every star on my visit, but I did find a couple I thought were pretty cool to look at!

Chinese Theatre

And a footprint or two were interesting as well!

Shirley Temple

Whose star would cause you to stop and take a photo?

Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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boyhood home of a president


Nixons home

My recent trip to Southern California gave me the opportunity to check two Presidential Libraries off my list!

Nixon Library

The second Presidential Library I visited was the Richard Nixon Library in Northern Orange County.  Though I did not find it as impressive as the Ronald Reagan Library, I did find some great displays.

helicopter at Nixon Library

My favorite feature of this library was that it was built on the location of the Nixon family’s small citrus farm.  The campus is also the site of Richard Nixon’s boyhood home.  (It is the white house in the first photo above.)  It was so very interesting to walk through the extremely modest home owned by the Nixon family – built from a kit bought from a department store!

The replica of the Oval Office included the insignia decorated carpet – the first.  This became a tradition for every administration that followed.

Nixons carpet oval office

As the only President to resign from office, there were certainly some interesting pieces of history to examine at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum.  Although, based on crowd reaction, this artifact may have garnered just as much interest ;)

Nixon and Elvis

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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in plane view


Reagan plane

One of my many varied interests is Presidential Libraries.  It started with a trip to the LBJ Library in Texas and now I hope to visit every one!  They are such an awesome tribute to our country’s history.

Reagans oval office

A trip to California gave me the opportunity to add two Presidential Libraries to my visited list!

Reagan portrait

Visiting the Ronald Reagan museum at the time I did was pretty amazing.  In addition to the library itself, California was experiencing a period of ‘greenness’ that hadn’t been experienced in many years.  Instead of the area landscape looking brown and dried out, the library, perched on a mountaintop, provided breath-taking lush, green overlooks of Simi Valley, California.  I think the locals visiting the library took more photos of the outdoor views than the actual library itself!

Reagan Sign

You know I always seem to find a theme in all I do.  The theme of this visit was transportation…I loved seeing the plane, helicopter, and car President Reagan used for travel.  The star of the show is Air Force One.  (Click here for a video of Air Force One at Reagan Library)   It is displayed majestically with the beautiful landscape in full view.

reagans helicopter

reagans car

Air Force One 27000 carried Ronald Reagan to 26 countries and 46 states covering more than 660,000 miles.  It served as the “Flying White House” for President Reagan and six other presidents – Nixon, Ford, Carter, H.W. Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush.

Visitors are allowed to walk through both the plane and the helicopter on display, but are asked not to take photos inside the aircrafts.  Bummer…I really did want to take a photo to show you the jar of jelly beans in Air Force One!

Ronald Reagans plane

There was also a jar in the oval office!

oval office Reagan

I hope you enjoyed seeing a few photos from my visit to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum.

Nancy Reagan portrait

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

P.S.  It is interesting to note that the helicopter shown here was built in my home state of Connecticut!

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cali beach dreams


Dana Point view

With temperatures reaching in the 60’s this past weekend in Connecticut, thinking ahead to beach days is definitely in order!

rocks and sun at Laguna Niguel

sunset at Laguna Niguel

bird of paradise

For today’s Friday field trip, in honor of warmer weather glimpses, some of my favorite outdoor photos from my last trip to the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel!

Laguna Niguel Ritz

RitzCarlton view

guard stand at Laguna Niguel

Have a wonderful weekend!

Laguna Niguel Ritz Carlton beach

rocks on Laguna Niguel beach

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie


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flowers with an ocean view


pretty sun at ritz

Visiting the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel is such a fabulous experience.  I love the California lifestyle anyway, but staying in this particular Ritz in Southern California is the best way to live it!

flowers at laguna niguel

I always appreciate the changing floral arrangements in the lobby and my last visit did not disappoint!

flowers at laguna niguel

flower decor at Ritz Carlton
I was treated to an even more impressive flower display during this last stay when an ocean view wedding was scheduled at the same time!

Wedding at the Ritz

Beautiful flowers, ocean views, amazing sunsets…I had to share this amazing wedding venue!

wedding in laguna niguel

Hope your week is off to a great start!  Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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living like a local


the OC

I did want to live like a local on my recent excursion to Orange County, California.  I was told one thing I had to experience, if I was indeed living like a local, was a burger from In-N-Out.  I guess the equivalent of a McDonalds or Burger King on the East Coast is In-N-Out on the West Coast.

I was game.  So, my friends took me for a late dinner one night to give it a try.  I admit – the burger was good.  But, more interesting by far was the menu.  Or, I should say, lack of menu.

burger at in n out

There was a whole ‘secret’ menu going on!  To simply order something from the menu meant missing out on a bunch of interesting choices from the ‘secret’ menu – all the choices that were not written down anywhere, but could be ordered if you happened to know the ‘secret’ names!

As an East Coaster, of course I knew none of the ‘secret’ names, but my friends did.  That is how I happened to order a burger ‘Protein Style.’  Instead of placing my burger in a bun, the meat was simply wrapped up in fresh lettuce.  Perfect for me!  It tasted even better knowing it was a ‘secret’ menu item!

meal at in n out

Some of the other ‘secret’ items the locals can order?  ‘Animal Style Fries’.  This seems to be a must-have for Californians.  The famous hand cut fries from In-N-Out are smothered in cheese, grilled onions, and then topped with a glob of their secret spread.  It seemed everyone around me was enjoying these babies!

Next time I happen to be in the vicinity of an In-N-Out, I think I would try ‘The Flying Dutchman’ – this is two perfectly cooked meat patties held together with a few slices of melted cheese in the middle…I do like some cheese with my burger!

In n out burger sign

All and all- a really fun trip with my friends to my first In-N-Out tasting!  In addition to ordering from the ‘secret’ menu, I think the food tasted that much better because we stopped for dinner after being stuck in SoCal traffic for hours!  Living like a local!

Thanks for stopping by Friday field trip!

Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Thanks D & R for a fabulous time!

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