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Tag: 2019

inspirational actions for 2019


kindness in the world quote

Today is the third of 3 posts on motivation for 2019.  This final category is ACTIONS.  Here are my top 5 inspiration points in this category for the upcoming year.

Fast from the internet 24 hours once per week.  Reconnect.  We are all guilty of relying too heavily on the internet.  It is so powerful to give everyone your undivided attention for 24 hours!  When I do this, I feel as though I’ve added valuable time to my life!  An important 2019 promise to myself!

Define what wealth and happiness mean to you.  Since we are all different, it only makes sense that wealth and happiness is defined differently by each person.  To experience true contentment, we need to know what we want and not define our happiness on what others may want for us.

happiness quote

Do something kind for someone else daily.  Helping people feels so good.  I always go out of my way to help where I can.  By promising myself this will happen once per day, it ensures no one day will go by without a good deed accomplished!

act of kindness quote

Give at least one guilt-free hour to relaxation each day.  Do you ever feel guilty when you have some down time?  I do.  Even in my free time I am working on details for a project or taking notes for something coming up or sending work emails.  I am going to try to spend 1 total guilt-free hour to relax each day.  I am hoping to do this as a start to my day.

Check your email and social media at least 60-90 minutes after you wake up.  Often, the first thing I do when I wake up is to check my phone.  I guess it is true that practice puts me in a reactive state for the remainder of the day.  I want to start waking up and putting myself first.  Checking my phone first thing is eliminated from my morning routine for 2019.

helping people quote

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you are inspired to create some new actions for 2019.

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

*Although I have provided 15 inspirational points these last 3 posts, I am doing my best to incorporate 50 into my life going forward.   You can read about all 50 in the article I read online that originally inspired me, titled 50 Ways Happier, Healthier, And More Successful People Live On Their Own Terms by Benjamin P. Hardy.  I have recommended it to everyone close to me to read.   I credit Mr. Hardy for providing a great outlook to live life’s best!  I encourage you to read the article.

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inspirational reading & writing for 2019


writing quote

Today, I continue with 2019 motivation.  Today’s category is READING & WRITING.  Here are my top 5 inspiration points in this category.

Read 1 book per week.  Constant learning is what makes an extraordinary person and the world’s most successful people are avid readers.  I love to read, but sometimes I opt for the latest on HGTV over the next book in queue.  For 2019, I will spend more time reading and make a more conscious effort to listen to audio books during driving or exercising.

reading is essential quote

Write in a journal 5 minutes per day.  This is such a wonderful habit to create.  Journaling clears your emotions and enhances your creativity.  It also increases gratitude.  I have already started this in a small way with my sentiments jar.  (See the DIY post by clicking here.)  Documenting emotions can be powerful and by keeping your writing short, it makes it very doable.

journaling quote

Have no more than 3 items on your to-do list each day.  I am a huge list maker and sometimes my lists get totally out of hand!  The goal for 2019 is to do a few things incredibly rather than a million little things poorly!

Write and place a short, thoughtful note for someone once per day.  I am such a believer in hand written notes.  How much more meaningful is it to receive a handwritten note in the mail rather than an email? Do you hang your printed-out emails on the fridge?  When my grandmother passed away, I found she had saved all the notes I had written her over the years.  That is truly special.  When my children were small, I made it a point to leave fun notes in their lunch bags to brighten their day and remind them they were loved.  My children are grown, but I can still make people feel special by leaving notes to others.  Plus, research has shown that writing by hand increases brain development and cognition more than typing can.  (Why are schools eliminating handwriting?!)   Making a promise to myself to leave handwritten notes can only be a great thing for 2019.

Listen to audiobooks and podcasts on 1.5 to 2x speed.  Interesting!  This is a new concept to me.  The trend is called ‘speed listening.’  There is a software called FasterAudio that promises to ‘cut your audio learning time in half.’  I am intrigued by this concept and I am doing some more research and will give it a try in 2019.

Today a reader quote

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

*The article I read online that originally inspired me is titled 50 Ways Happier, Healthier, And More Successful People Live On Their Own Terms by Benjamin P. Hardy.  I have recommended it to everyone close to me to read.   I credit Mr. Hardy for providing a great outlook to live life’s best!  I encourage you to read the article.

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inspirational eatings for 2019


food quote

I recently read some inspiring words that I took to heart for 2019*.  So, my next few posts will be a little different than usual.  For three posts, I want to share some of my motivation for 2019.  I have divided it into 3 categories.  Today’s category is FOOD.  Here are my top 5 food related changes for 2019.

Stop consuming caffeine.  Being dependent on caffeine isn’t good.  I gave up diet colas years ago, but seem to have a tough time with coffee and tea.  My goal is to switch out the beverages with caffeine to herbal teas.  They say it takes 2 weeks to create a habit so it may be a rough 2 weeks!  But, I am looking forward to getting rid of the false energy source!

coffee quote

Consume 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of walking up.  This keeps you full longer and keeps blood-sugar levels steady as well as eliminates white carbohydrate cravings.  It is hard to do because it takes some planning.  Not a big eggs person, a planned-in-advance protein shake is my best bet!

Stop consuming refined sugar.  I have done this successfully in the past with amazing results.  EVERYTHING looks and feels better without sugar!  Studies have proven that even our brains experience a radical change when sugar is eliminated!  I usually slip back to eating it when something rough in my life is going on…not good!  It does take some work to avoid this stuff that seems to be in everything, but it is SO worth it!

Buddy the Elf Quote

Eat at least one meal with family each day.  This was something we took seriously in my family when my children were growing up.  We always made sure we spent our dinners together each day.  Now that that the children are grown, I can’t have us all together every day, but I want to create a time when all my family gets together for a meal as part of my routine.  I know It can’t be every day, but it will be on a regular basis.

Buy a juicer and juice a few times per week.  I know how healthy juicing is – a great way to get tons of vitamins and nutrients from fruits and vegetables.  I have wanted to make juicing a part of my routine for some time now.  I love the idea of adding lots of greens into my system with something I can drink and I love the idea of making green drinks myself rather than purchasing them.  The parts I don’t like?  1. It seems pretty expensive to buy all the organic fruits and vegetables to put into the juicer.  2. Making space in my kitchen to house the juicer.  But, these things aside, I am making a commitment to myself to do more research on juicers for 2019 in the hopes that I may convince myself to purchase one at some point during the year.

I hope you are inspired to consider some changes in your eating habits for the upcoming year!

Thanks for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

*The article I read online that originally inspired me is titled 50 Ways Happier, Healthier, And More Successful People Live On Their Own Terms by Benjamin P. Hardy.  I have recommended it to everyone close to me to read.   I credit Mr. Hardy for providing a great outlook to live life’s best!  I encourage you to read the article.

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diy sentiments jar


creating memory jar 2019

Do you keep a gratitude journal?

I am doing something a little different from a journal for 2019.  I am keeping a jar of memories that document special feelings I have towards my children.

I am so appreciative of the two wonderful children I am blessed with and I created a way to collect all the special feelings I have toward them throughout the year.

diy jar for 2019

The idea is simple.  When I have one of those “aww” moments, I will write something down on a slip of paper to help me remember it and drop the slip of paper into my sentiments jar.

looking down at sentiment jar

Those of you who have a vinyl cutting machine can easily use it to decorate a jar – maybe just simply the word “gratitude” affixed to the jar.  Other ideas for jars are “laughable moments,” “2019,” “accomplishments,” “kids say the darndest things” …you get the idea!

sentiment jar with lid

In my case, I am very specifically documenting sentiments related to my children, so I created something appropriate to decorate my jar.  And, since I don’t have a vinyl cutter, I designed and printed something on a color printer and glued it onto the front of a clear glass jar.  Here is what I created, if you’d like to use it:

my favorite

With Valentine’s Day coming up, a cool variation might be to create a “favorite romantic moments” jar for yourself or as a gift!  If gifting, include pre-cut slips of paper and tie a pretty pen or pencil to the jar.  For fun, add a few candy message hearts scattered on the bottom of the jar!

I hope I have inspired you to document some of your memorable moments in 2019!

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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happy 2019!


pleasure in simple things

A new year.  New?  That is a real understatement in my case.  Trying to come up with a word for the year that could possibly apply to my 2019 seems impossible.  Renew?  Not dramatic enough.  Strength or something related to being super strong – like, super-hero strong?  Maybe.  I just can’t come up with a single word that seems just right.


Instead of the perfect word, I thought I would share a few quotes for 2019…a few words that I find inspiring as I think of the year ahead.


Thank you so much for following.  I have some exciting times ahead to share in 2019!

move on

I wish you the very best in the year ahead!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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