Congratulations to Lynn T. from New Jersey for winning the author signed copy of 1,000 Places to Visit Before You Die. Lynn, I know you will enjoy this book! You can read a little more about it here
Now, on to October’s giveaway!
We have a very special book giveaway this month. In keeping with a favorite October theme (candy!), I have chosen a book that was inspired by Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory…seems appropriate for the season :) BUT, the book is not directly about candy and is not about the making of the popular movie. Rather, the book uses the movie as a metaphorical backdrop to life lessons. Whether or not you have seen the movie, this book Life Lessons From the Chocolate Factory…10 Rich, Satisfying Nuggets to Nibble On reveals the simple, yet timeless lessons we can all embrace to help get hold of life’s real golden ticket –lasting peace of mind.
It is a wonderful book for both reflection and discussion. And, because of this, Christopher Holl, the author of this book, has arranged for a very special giveaway for the October giveaway. He has agreed to not only provide signed copies of his book to AN ENTIRE BOOKGROUP (!), but also to make a conference call to the winning bookgroup during a monthly bookgroup meeting to discuss the book!!!!
So, for this very special giveaway, I ask that anyone that is part of a bookgroup send me a message and I will enter you into this special drawing. Anyone sending me a message or making a comment on the blog, facebook, or twitter during the month of October will be entered BUT you need to let me know that you are a member of a bookgroup and indicate how many members are in your bookgroup.

Christopher Holl, author of “Life Lessons from the Chocolate Factory”, October’s special giveaway book selection.
Good luck!
Thanks for visiting, Jackie