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May 8, 2020

flowers on my walk

Is savor a verb you normally associate with eating or drinking?  It is so much more than that!

Experiences contribute so much more to our happiness than material items and by savoring, or enjoying something completely, we are creating happy moments!

flowering tree

One of the great gifts to come out of the quarantine experience for me is to be given more opportunities to savor things that surround me.

So, today I am suggesting you savor completely – like I did recently when appreciating these gorgeous trees on my daily walk.  I focused on them longer by telling someone else (you!) about them, stopping to smell them, taking photos of them, and sharing their beauty.

flowers among walking

It is a great gift to have the opportunity to stay in the present and appreciate something fully.

flowers while walking

I hope I have inspired you to take the opportunity to savor something today and contribute to your happiness!

flower savoring

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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