Congratulations to Emma from Connecticut, winner of the June giveaway book Little Princes by Conor Grennan! Emma, I know you will enjoy this wonderful read signed by the author. Now, for our July giveaway selection…

Temporary tattoos distributed by the Fairfield Library during the Fairfield University appearance of author R.J. Palacio, who’s book Wonder was chosen for Fairfield’s 2013 town read.
I don’t like vampires…or zombies…so; I am not a big reader of Young Adult fiction. Yet, every once in a while a really special book shows up in the YA category that deserves attention. Books like The Fault in Our Stars or The Book Thief come to mind. Recently, a book categorized for even younger readers – 9 to 12 year olds -was added to my list of recommended titles. This book is Wonder by R. J. Palacio, and it is a must read for all ages.
I was lucky enough to catch an appearance by the author when she was in Fairfield, Connecticut, and I am thrilled to be able to give away a copy of Wonder signed by R. J. Palacio to one of my blog readers. Just leave me a comment during the month of July to be entered into the drawing…each comment qualifies as an entry.
The book’s message? Choose kindness. Sounds simple, right? It certainly should be…and this is the sentiment illustrated beautifully in the story of a young boy with a facial deformity, named August, who mainstreams into school for the first time in fifth grade. The book starts from Auggie’s point of view, continuing on with the perspectives of others to help tell this story of friendship and acceptance.
Inspired by her own personal experience, Ms. Palacio touches the hearts of all who read the story of young August. Put this book on your summer reading list. You will be so glad you did. And when you finish, you can let your children read it. :)
Be sure to enter to win this marvelous book!
Have a wonderful start to July! Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie Instagram users, please read on… Please share your simple pleasures on Instagram! Use these word prompts for July to inspire photos to share. Be sure to tag your #pleasuregram …share today or every day! Enjoy!